From ScientificComputing
In case of a problem with COMSOL on one of our clusters, please first contact the cluster support. We have very good relations to the COMSOL support and if we cannot solve a problem, we will open a ticket at the COMSOL support and add the user to this ticket, such that he also gets the answers from COMSOL support.
Problems with the COMSOL GUI
We noticed, that in some cases, the COMSOL 5.2 GUI updates very slowly when staring it on Euler or sometimes it even crashes. If you experience this kind of problem, then you can try to start the COMSOL GUI with the following option:
comsol -np 1 -3drend sw
If the problem still persists, the reason could be that you are on a login node, which is overloaded. We recommend in this case to log out and log in to the cluster again.