How to access the cluster with MobaXterm

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< How to access the cluster

Basic login

Start MobaXterm and create a session

Moba start.png

Select an SSH session and enter the Euler hostname (

This session is saved automatically under the hostname.

Moba start ssh session.png

Enter your ETH account username and password

Moba login with password.png

Upon a successful login, you can see the welcome banner and links to this Wiki, Smartdesk and cluster support

Moba logged in with password.png

Session settings

Edit session

Moba edit session.png

You can specify username and session name

Moba edit session2.png

SSH keys

Create SSH keys

Start MobaKeyGen

Moba ssh keys create0.png

Select ed25519 algorithm and generate SSH keys


Enter a passphrase, and save the public key (optional) and the public key (compulsory)


Add the private key to a session

Edit session

Moba edit session1.png

Enable using private key and select the private key file

Moba ssh keys add private key.png

Copy the public key to the cluster

Log in to the cluster and open the file $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys with a text editor

This file should have the reading and writing permission only for you, the owner of the file (-rw-------). Otherwise, you can change the permission with the command

chmod 600 $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys

Moba ssh keys copy0.png

Copy the public key to the file $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on the cluster

The next time you start the session, enter the passphrase to log in to the cluster

Moba ssh keys copy1.png

Add SSH key to MobAgent for auto login

Go to Configuration

Moba ssh agent setup0.png

Enable Use internal SSH agent "MobAgent" and Forward SSH agents

Click the plus sign to select the private key

Moba ssh agent setup1.png

Restart MobaXterm to apply the modifications.

Moba dialog box restart moba.png

Enter the passphrase at the start of MobaXterm

Then, you can start an SSH session without entering password or passphrase

Moba dialog box enter passphrase.png