Leonhard applications and libraries
This page contains information about the Leonhard Open cluster, which is now obsolete as the cluster has been integrated into the Euler cluster on 14/15 September 2021
On Leonhard cluster, we use LMOD modules, which provide some additional features compared to environment modules that we use on Euler. LMOD allows to define a hierarchy of modules containing 3 layers (Core, Compiler, MPI). Therefore we present the list of available applications and libraries in a different way that takes into account the 3 layers of the module hierarchy.
Python (TensorFlow) on Leonhard
Because certain Python packages need different installations for their CPU and GPU versions, we decided to have separate Python installations with regards to using CPUs and GPUs. Please have a look at our wiki page regarding Python on Leonhard. It contains a listing of the available TensorFlow versions.
Module hierarchy
Core layer
The core layer contains all module files which are not depending on any compiler/MPI. This can for instance be compilers, utility modules (eth_proxy, StdEnv) or commercial codes that bring their own runtime libraries to be independent of the compilers available on the system.
- StdEnv
- agi_photoscan/1.3.4
- ansys/18.2
- atac/1.1.0
- blender/2.79b
- blender/2.80
- cellranger/3.1.0
- cellranger/4.0.0
- cellranger/5.0.1
- cfx/18.2
- compat/gpfs
- compat/ib_gpfs
- comsol/5.3a
- comsol/5.4
- comsol/5.5
- dna/1.1.0
- eth_proxy
- fluent/18.2
- gcc/4.8.2
- gcc/4.8.5
- gcc/5.4.0
- gcc/6.3.0
- gcc/7.1.0
- gcc/8.2.0
- getliquidfiles/0.1
- getliquidfiles/0.5
- git-annex/8.2
- guppy/3.4.4
- guppy/4.0.11
- guppy/4.4.1
- hyperworks/2018.0.1
- icemcfd/18.2
- imagej/1.53
- intel/18.0.1
- intel/2018.1
- intel_tools/18.0.1
- intel_tools/2018.1
- lmod/7.4.11
- mallet/2.0.8
- matlab/R2017b
- matlab/R2020a
- matlab/R2020b
- matlab/9.3
- mongodb/4.0.3
- paraview/5.6.2
- paraview/5.8.0_headless
- paraview/5.8.0
- rstudio/1.3.1093
- settarg/7.4.11
- spaceranger/1.0.0
- stata/14
- stata/16
Compiler layer
The compiler layer contains all modules which are depending on a particular compilers, but not on any MPI library. The standard compiler on Leonhard is GCC 4.8.5, therefore most applications and libraries are available for this compiler. We provide a second toolchain for GCC 6.3.0, which allows to compile applications that require the c++14 standard and a third toolchain for Intel 18.0.1. For compatibility reasons, we also provide a few applications and libraries for the deprecated GCC 4.8.2 toolchain.
GCC 4.8.2
GCC 4.8.2 is not an officially supported toolchain on the Leonhard cluster. The standard Compiler for the Leonhard software stack is GCC 4.8.5. Part of the GDC software stack on Euler (based on GCC 4.8.2) has been copied over to Leonhard. This list only illustrates which packages are available, but for the corresponding module load commands for this section, please refer to the wiki page about the GDC software stack
- adapterremoval/2.1.7
- admixtools/4.1
- angsd/0.912
- angsd/0.917
- angsd/0.919
- augustus/3.2.1
- augustus/3.3.2
- bamtools/2.4.0
- bamtools/2.5.1
- bayescan/2.1
- bbmap/35.85
- bcl2fastq/2.19.1
- beagle/3.3.2
- beagle/4.1
- beast2/2.4.6
- bedtools/2.25
- bedtools/2.27.1
- bfc/1.0
- bioconductor/3.1
- bioconductor/3.4
- biojava/4.1.0
- bismark/0.19.0
- blasr/5.3
- blasr_bam/5.3
- blast/2.3.0
- blat/35
- blobtools/
- boost/1.55.0
- boost/1.63.0
- bowtie/1.1.2
- bowtie2/2.2.6
- bowtie2/2.3.0
- bowtie2/2.3.2
- breseq/0.27.1
- breseq/0.29.0
- breseq/0.30.1
- breseq/0.32.0
- busco/1.1b1
- busco/2.0
- busco/3.0.2
- bwa/0.7.12
- bwa/0.7.17
- bzip2/1.0.6
- canu/1.6
- cd-hit/4.6.4
- cd-hit/4.6.5
- cd-hit/4.6.6
- circos/0.69-6
- circos/0.96-6
- clustalw/2.1
- cmake/3.9.0
- crisp/05032017
- curl/7.51
- diamond/0.9.3
- diamond/0.9.22
- docent/2.12
- emboss/6.5.7
- epiteome/1.0
- examl/3.0.17
- exonerate/2.4.0
- falcon/1.8.8
- falcon_phase/0.1.0_beta
- fasta/36.3.8e
- fastqc/0.11.4
- fastqscreen/0.9.3
- faststructure/20160120
- fastx_toolkit/0.0.14
- flash/1.2.11
- freebayes/0.9.20
- freebayes/1.0.2
- freebayes/1.1.0-3-g961e5f3
- gatk/3.5
- gatk/4.0
- gaussian/09d1
- gdc
- gemma/0.94
- genemark_es/4
- genomemapper/0.4.4
- genometools/1.5.9
- genotan/0.1.5
- gmap/20160923
- graphmap/0.3.0
- gsl/1.16
- halc/1.1
- hdf5/1.8.12
- hisat2/2.1.0
- hmmer/3.1
- idba/1.1.1
- imr/0.4.1
- instruct/3.2.09
- java/1.8.0_73
- java/1.8.0_101
- jellyfish/2.2.10
- jitterbug/09032016
- kaiju/1.6.2
- kallisto/0.43.0
- kat/2.3.1
- kraken/0.10.5
- lastz/1.02
- ldhat/2.2a
- ldhelmet/1.9
- ldhot/0.4
- lfmm/1.4
- lofreq/2.1.2
- lordec/0.6
- lorte/1.2
- ltrfinder/1.0.7
- macse/1.01b
- mafft/7.273
- maker/2.31.9
- masurca/3.2.2
- masurca/3.2.3
- megahit/1.1.3
- meme/4.12.0
- metabat/2.12.1
- metaphlan/2.0
- metavelvet/1.2.02
- methyldackel/0.3.0
- migrate/3.6.11
- miniasm/0.2
- minimap2/2.2
- mocat/2.0
- motus/1.1.1
- mrbayes/3.2.6
- msmc2/2.1.0
- mummer/4.0.0b1
- muscle/3.8.1551
- nanocall/0.5.13
- ngsep/3.0.2
- ngsrelate/0.1
- ngstools/1.0.1
- open_mpi/1.6.5
- openblas/0.2.13_seq
- pasapipeline/2.0.2
- pcangsd/0.8.0
- pcre/8.38
- perl/5.18.4
- phyla_amphora/1.0
- picard-tools/1.89
- picard-tools/2.0.1
- pindel/0.2.5b8
- plink/1.07
- plink/1.90
- popoolation/1.2.2
- popoolation2/1201
- primer3/2.3.7
- prinseq-lite/0.20.4
- prodigal/2.6.3
- prokka/1.11
- proovread/2.14.1
- python/2.7.11
- python/3.4.3
- python/3.6.1
- qualimap/2.2.1
- quast/4.5
- quickmerge/0.2
- racon/0.5.0
- rad_haplotyper/1.1.5
- rad_haplotyper/1.1.9
- raxml-ng/0.1.0rc
- raxml/8.2.4
- reads2snp/2.0
- redundans/0.13c
- repeatmasker/4.0.6_pub
- repeatmasker/4.0.6
- repeatmasker/4.0.7
- repeatmodeler/1.0.11
- ribopicker/0.4.3
- rmblast/2.2.28
- rmblast/2.6.0
- rtg-tools/3.8.4
- salmon/0.9.1
- salmonte/0.3
- salsa/1.0
- sambamba/0.6.1
- sambamba/0.6.6
- samblaster/0.1.22
- samtools/1.3
- samtools/1.7
- samtools/1.8
- se-mei/1.0
- segemehl/0.2.0
- seqkit/0.7.2
- seqprep/1
- seqtk/1.2-r94
- sga/0.10.14
- shore/0.9.3
- smrt_analysis/2.3.0_p5
- smrt_link/
- snap/2006-07-28
- snippy/4.0-dev2
- snpeff/4.3m
- snpgenie/1.0
- soapdenovo2/2.04
- sortmerna/2.1
- spades/3.6.2
- spades/3.10.0
- spades/3.11.1
- spaunge/1.0
- sqlite3/3.11
- sra-tools/2.7.0
- sra-tools/2.8.1-3
- stacks/1.37
- stacks/1.40
- stacks/2.0b
- stampy/1.0.22
- stringtie/1.3.3b
- structure/2.3.4
- suitesparse/4.5.1
- swig/3.0.8
- tadbit/0.2
- tlex/2.2.1
- tophat/1.4.1
- tophat/2.1.1
- transdecoder/3.0.1
- trf/4.09
- trim_galore/0.4.5
- trimmomatic/0.35
- trinity/2.1.1
- trinity/2.4.0
- trinity/2.5.1
- tulip/0.4
- twisst/1.0
- usearch/8.1
- vcflib/1.0.0
- vcflib/1.0.1
- vcftools/0.1.14
- vcftools/0.1.15
- vcftools/0.1.16
- velvet/1.2.10
- vt/0.5
- xz/5.2.2
- yaha/0.1.83
- zlib/1.2.8
GCC 4.8.5
- alsa-lib/
- angsd/0.925
- ann/1.1.2
- ant/1.9.9
- apr-util/1.5.4
- apr/1.5.2
- arb/2.17.0
- arpack/96
- at-spi2-atk/2.26.2
- at-spi2-core/2.26.2
- atk/2.14.0
- atk/2.20.0
- atk/2.22.0
- atk/2.26.1
- atk/2.28.1
- atlas/3.11.34
- atop/2.2-3
- augustus/3.4.0
- autoconf/2.69
- automake/1.15
- bam-readcount/0.8.0
- bamtools/2.5.1
- bamutil/1.0.13
- bash-completion/2.7
- bash/4.4
- bazel/0.9.0
- bazel/0.19.2
- bazel/0.24.1
- bbmap/37.36
- bcl2fastq2/2.20.422
- bdw-gc/7.4.4
- beast2/2.5.2
- bedtools2/2.26.0
- bedtools2/2.27.1
- berkeley-db/5.3.28
- berkeley-db/6.2.32
- binutils/2.28
- bismark/0.19.0
- bismark/0.23.0
- bison/3.0.4
- bitmap/1.0.8
- blat/35
- blat/36
- blaze/3.1
- boost/1.62.0
- boost/1.63.0
- boost/1.64.0
- boost/1.69.0
- bowtie/1.2
- bowtie2/2.3.1
- bowtie2/
- bowtie2/2.4.4
- bwa/0.7.12
- bwa/0.7.15
- bwa/0.7.17
- bzip2/1.0.6
- cairo/1.14.8
- cairo/1.14.10
- cairo/1.14.12
- cfitsio/3.450
- cgal/4.7
- cmake/
- cmake/3.4.3
- cmake/3.8.0
- cmake/3.9.0
- cmake/3.9.4
- cmake/3.12.4
- cmake/3.14.4
- cmake/3.16.5
- cmake/3.20.3
- colm/0.12.0
- compositeproto/0.4.2
- coreutils/8.26
- cscope/15.8b
- ctffind/4.1.8
- cub/1.7.1
- cuda/8.0.61
- cuda/9.0.176
- cuda/9.2.88
- cuda/10.0.130
- cuda/10.1.243
- cuda/11.0.3
- cuda/11.1.1
- cudnn/5.1
- cudnn/6.0
- cudnn/7.0
- cudnn/7.2
- cudnn/7.3
- cudnn/7.4
- cudnn/7.5
- cudnn/7.6.4
- cudnn/8.0.5
- cudnn/8.1.1
- curl/7.53.1
- curl/7.61.1
- cutadapt/3.4
- damageproto/1.2.1
- dante/1.4.2
- dbus/1.11.2
- dbus/1.12.10
- diamond/2.0.6
- direnv/2.11.3
- dmlc-core/20170508
- dos2unix/7.3.4
- double-conversion/2.0.1
- doxygen/1.8.12
- dri2proto/2.8
- dri3proto/1.0
- dynamo/1.1.509
- eigen/3.3.3
- emacs/26.3
- eman2/2.3
- evieext/1.1.1
- expat/2.2.0
- exuberant-ctags/5.8
- fastq-screen/0.11.2
- fastq-screen/0.14.1
- fastqc/0.11.4
- fastqc/0.11.5
- fastqc/0.11.9
- ffmpeg/3.2.4
- ffmpeg/3.2.14
- fftw/3.3.5
- findutils/4.6.0
- fixesproto/5.0
- flac/1.3.2
- flash/1.2.11
- flex/2.6.1
- flex/2.6.3
- flint/2.5.2
- fltk/1.3.3
- fluidsynth/1.1.10
- font-util/1.3.1
- fontcacheproto/0.1.3
- fontconfig/2.11.1
- fontsproto/2.1.3
- fonttosfnt/1.0.4
- freebayes/1.2.0
- freeimage/3.18.0
- freetype/2.7
- ftgl/2.1.3
- gatk/3.8-0
- gatk/
- gautomatch/0.56
- gawk/4.1.4
- gctf/1.06
- gctf/1.18_b2
- gdal/2.2.2
- gdal/2.3.2
- gdal/2.4.4
- gdal/3.1.2
- gdbm/1.13
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.2
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.4
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.6
- geos/3.7.1
- gettext/
- gflags/2.1.2
- ghostscript-fonts/8.11
- ghostscript/9.21
- giflib/5.1.4
- git-lfs/2.3.0
- git/2.12.1
- git/2.29.0
- glew/2.0.0
- glfw/3.3
- glib/2.49.7
- glib/2.50.3
- glib/2.53.1
- glib/2.56.1
- glm/
- glog/0.3.4
- glpk/4.55
- glpk/4.61
- glproto/1.4.17
- gmake/4.0
- gmp/6.1.2
- gnat/2016
- gnuplot/5.0.5
- gnutls/3.5.10
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20161024
- go/1.8.1
- go/1.11.1
- gobject-introspection/1.49.1
- gobject-introspection/1.49.2
- gobject-introspection/1.50.0
- gperf/3.0.4
- gperftools/2.4
- gpu-burn/1.0
- graphtyper/1.3
- graphviz/2.40.1
- groff/1.22.3
- gsl/1.16
- gsl/2.3
- gtkplus/2.24.31
- gtkplus/2.24.32
- gtkplus/3.20.10
- gts/121130
- guile/2.0.11
- gurobi/8.1.1
- harfbuzz/1.4.6
- harfbuzz/1.4.7
- harfbuzz/1.4.8
- hdf/4.2.12
- hdf5/1.10.1
- help2man/1.47.4
- hisat2/2.1.0
- htop/2.0.2
- htslib/1.6
- htslib/1.7
- hwloc/1.11.6
- hwloc/1.11.10
- hwloc/1.11.12
- icu4c/58.2
- id3lib/3.8.3
- idba/1.1.3
- igv/2.8.2
- ilmbase/2.3.0
- image-magick/7.0.2-7
- imake/1.0.7
- inputproto/2.3.2
- intltool/0.51.0
- isl/0.18
- jags/4.3.0
- jansson/2.9
- jasper/1.900.1
- jdk/7u51
- jdk/8u92
- jdk/8u141-b15
- jdk/8u172-b11
- jemalloc/4.5.0
- jpeg/9b
- jq/1.5
- json-c/0.13.1
- jsoncpp/1.7.3
- kbproto/1.0.7
- krb5/1.16.1
- lcms/2.8
- leveldb/1.20
- lftp/4.8.1
- libaio/0.3.110
- libarchive/3.2.1
- libassuan/2.4.5
- libatomic-ops/7.4.4
- libcerf/1.3
- libctl/3.2.2
- libdrm/2.4.70
- libdwarf/20160507
- libedit/3.1-20170329
- libelf/0.8.13
- libepoxy/1.4.3
- libevent/2.0.19
- libfabric/1.8.0
- libffi/3.2.1
- libfontenc/1.1.3
- libfs/1.0.7
- libgcrypt/1.6.2
- libgd/2.2.4
- libgeotiff/1.4.3
- libgeotiff/1.5.1
- libgme/0.6.2
- libgpg-error/1.21
- libgpuarray/0.6.2_py2
- libgpuarray/0.6.2_py3
- libice/1.0.9
- libiconv/1.15
- libjpeg-turbo/1.5.0
- libmatheval/1.1.11
- libmng/2.0.2
- libnl/3.3.0
- libogg/1.3.2
- libopenal/1.17.2
- libpcap/1.8.1
- libpciaccess/0.13.4
- libpipeline/1.4.2
- libpng/1.6.27
- libpthread-stubs/0.3
- libpthread-stubs/0.4
- librdf/1.0.17
- libsigsegv/2.11
- libsm/1.2.2
- libsndfile/1.0.26
- libsndfile/1.0.28
- libsndfile/1.0.31
- libsodium/1.0.13
- libspatialindex/1.8.5
- libssh2/1.8.0
- libtiff/3.9.7
- libtiff/4.0.6
- libtiff/4.0.10
- libtool/2.4.6
- libunistring/0.9.7
- libunwind/1.1
- libusb/1.0.22
- libvorbis/1.3.5
- libx11/1.6.3
- libxau/1.0.8
- libxaw/1.0.13
- libxc/3.0.0
- libxcb/1.12
- libxcomposite/0.4.4
- libxcursor/1.1.14
- libxdamage/1.1.4
- libxdmcp/1.1.2
- libxevie/1.0.3
- libxext/1.3.3
- libxfixes/5.0.2
- libxfont/1.5.2
- libxfontcache/1.0.5
- libxft/2.3.2
- libxi/1.7.6
- libxinerama/1.1.3
- libxkbcommon/0.8.2
- libxkbfile/1.0.9
- libxkbui/1.0.2
- libxml2/2.9.4
- libxmu/1.1.2
- libxp/1.0.3
- libxpm/3.5.10
- libxrandr/1.5.0
- libxrender/0.9.10
- libxres/1.0.7
- libxscrnsaver/1.2.2
- libxshmfence/1.2
- libxslt/1.1.29
- libxt/1.1.5
- libxtst/1.2.2
- libxv/1.0.10
- libxvmc/1.0.9
- libxxf86misc/1.0.3
- libxxf86vm/1.1.4
- libzmq/4.3.2
- llvm/3.8.1
- lmdb/0.9.16
- lmod/7.4.11
- lsf_drmaa/1.1.1
- lua-jit/2.0.4
- lua-luafilesystem/1_6_3
- lua-luaposix/33.4.0
- lua/5.3.2
- lumpy-sv/0.3.0
- lz4/1.7.5
- lzip/1.19
- lziprecover/1.19
- lzlib/1.9
- lzma/4.32.7
- lzo/2.09
- m4/1.4.18
- magma/2.2.0
- magma/2.5.1
- man-db/
- matio/1.5.9
- maven/3.3.9
- mawk/1.3.4
- mc/4.8.23
- mesa-glu/9.0.0
- mesa/12.0.3
- mesa/12.0.6
- meson/0.42.0
- metis/5.1.0
- miniasm/0.3
- minimap2/2.16
- mkfontdir/1.0.7
- mkfontscale/1.1.2
- motif/2.3.8
- motioncor2/1.1.0
- motioncor2/1.2.3
- motioncor2/1.3.0
- motioncorr/2.1
- mpc/1.0.3
- mpfr/3.1.5
- mpfr/4.0.1
- msgpack-c/3.0.1
- mshadow/20170721
- multiqc/1.8
- multiqc/1.11
- nano/2.6.3
- nasm/2.11.06
- nccl/2.3.7-1
- nccl/2.4.8-1
- ncurses/6.0
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf/4.4.1
- nettle/3.2
- ngs-bits/2020_03
- ninja/1.8.2
- nlopt/2.5.0
- nnvm/20170418
- numactl/2.0.12
- ocaml/4.03.0
- oce/0.18
- oniguruma/6.1.3
- openblas/0.2.19
- opencv/3.3.0
- opencv/3.4.1
- opencv/3.4.3
- opencv/3.4.6
- openexr/2.3.0
- openjdk/11.0.2
- openjdk/14.0.2
- openjpeg/2.1
- openmpi/2.1.0
- openmpi/2.1.1
- openmpi/4.0.1
- openms/2.1.0
- openssl/1.0.1e
- optitype/1.3.1
- opus/1.1.4
- p7zip/16.02
- pango/1.40.3
- pango/1.40.4
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GCC 8.2.0
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Intel 18.0.1
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- libassuan/2.4.5
- libatomic-ops/7.4.4
- libctl/3.2.2
- libdrm/2.4.70
- libedit/3.1-20170329
- libelf/0.8.13
- libevent/2.0.19
- libfabric/1.8.0
- libffi/3.2.1
- libfontenc/1.1.3
- libfs/1.0.7
- libgcrypt/1.6.2
- libgd/2.2.4
- libgeotiff/1.4.3
- libgeotiff/1.5.1
- libgme/0.6.2
- libgpg-error/1.21
- libgpuarray/0.6.2
- libice/1.0.9
- libiconv/1.15
- libjpeg-turbo/1.5.0
- libmatheval/1.1.11
- libmng/2.0.2
- libnl/3.3.0
- libogg/1.3.2
- libopenal/1.17.2
- libpcap/1.8.1
- libpciaccess/0.13.4
- libpipeline/1.4.2
- libpng/1.6.27
- libpthread-stubs/0.3
- librdf/1.0.17
- libsigsegv/2.11
- libsm/1.2.2
- libsodium/1.0.13
- libspatialindex/1.8.5
- libssh2/1.8.0
- libtiff/3.9.7
- libtiff/4.0.6
- libtiff/4.0.10
- libtool/2.4.6
- libunistring/0.9.7
- libunwind/1.1
- libusb/1.0.22
- libvorbis/1.3.5
- libx11/1.6.3
- libxau/1.0.8
- libxaw/1.0.13
- libxc/3.0.0
- libxcb/1.12
- libxcomposite/0.4.4
- libxcursor/1.1.14
- libxdamage/1.1.4
- libxdmcp/1.1.2
- libxevie/1.0.3
- libxext/1.3.3
- libxfixes/5.0.2
- libxfont/1.5.2
- libxfontcache/1.0.5
- libxft/2.3.2
- libxi/1.7.6
- libxinerama/1.1.3
- libxkbcommon/0.8.2
- libxkbfile/1.0.9
- libxkbui/1.0.2
- libxml2/2.9.4
- libxmu/1.1.2
- libxp/1.0.3
- libxpm/3.5.10
- libxrandr/1.5.0
- libxrender/0.9.10
- libxres/1.0.7
- libxscrnsaver/1.2.2
- libxshmfence/1.2
- libxslt/1.1.29
- libxt/1.1.5
- libxv/1.0.10
- libxvmc/1.0.9
- libxxf86misc/1.0.3
- libxxf86vm/1.1.4
- libzmq/4.3.2
- lmdb/0.9.16
- lua-jit/2.0.4
- lua-luafilesystem/1_6_3
- lua-luaposix/33.4.0
- lua/5.3.2
- lz4/1.7.5
- lzip/1.19
- lziprecover/1.19
- lzlib/1.9
- lzma/4.32.7
- lzo/2.09
- m4/1.4.18
- magma/2.5.1
- man-db/
- matio/1.5.9
- maven/3.3.9
- mawk/1.3.4
- mc/4.8.23
- mesa-glu/9.0.0
- mesa/12.0.3
- mesa/12.0.6
- meson/0.42.0
- metis/5.1.0
- miniasm/0.3
- minimap2/2.16
- mkfontdir/1.0.7
- mkfontscale/1.1.2
- motioncor2/1.1.0
- motioncor2/1.2.3
- motioncor2/1.3.0
- mpc/1.0.3
- mpfr/3.1.5
- mpfr/4.0.1
- msgpack-c/3.0.1
- mshadow/20170721
- nano/2.6.3
- nasm/2.11.06
- nccl/2.4.8-1
- ncurses/6.0
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf/4.4.1
- nettle/3.2
- ninja/1.8.2
- nnvm/20170418
- numactl/2.0.12
- ocaml/4.03.0
- oce/0.18
- oniguruma/6.1.3
- openblas/0.2.19
- openexr/2.3.0
- openjdk/11.0.2
- openjdk/14.0.2
- openjpeg/2.1
- openmpi/2.1.0
- openssl/1.0.1e
- opus/1.1.4
- p7zip/16.02
- pango/1.40.3
- patch/2.7.5
- patchelf/0.9
- pbzip2/1.1.13
- pcre/8.40
- pcre2/10.31
- perl-capture-tiny/0.46
- perl-data-dumper/2.173
- perl-dbi/1.636
- perl-extutils-makemaker/7.24
- perl-extutils-pkgconfig/1.16
- perl-gd/2.53
- perl-gdgraph/1.4308
- perl-gdtextutil/0.86
- perl-json/2.97001
- perl-module-build/0.4224
- perl-sub-uplevel/0.2800
- perl-term-readkey/2.37
- perl-test-exception/0.43
- perl-uri-escape/1.71
- perl-xml-parser/2.44
- perl/5.24.1
- perl/5.30.1
- picard/2.9.2
- picard/2.18.17
- picard/2.25.4
- pigz/2.4
- pixman/0.34.0
- pkg-config/0.29.2
- plzip/1.6
- poppler-data/0.4.9
- poppler/0.65.0
- portaudio/190600_20161030
- postgresql/9.5.3
- postgresql/10.3
- postgresql/11.0
- postgresql/11.4
- postgresql/12.5
- postgresql/13.1
- postgresql/13.2
- presentproto/1.0
- printproto/1.0.5
- proj/5.2.0
- proj/6.3.1
- protobuf/3.1.0
- protobuf/3.2.0
- protobuf/3.3.0
- ps-lite/20170328
- py-mappy/2.2
- python/2.7.13
- python/3.6.0
- ragel/6.10
- randrproto/1.5.0
- raptor/2.0.15
- rasqal/0.9.33
- readline/7.0
- recordproto/1.14.2
- renderproto/0.11.1
- resourceproto/1.2.0
- rna-seqc/1.1.8
- ruby/2.2.0
- samtools/1.2
- samtools/1.6
- scala/2.12.1
- scons/2.5.0
- scotch/6.0.4
- scrnsaverproto/1.2.2
- sdl2/2.0.5
- sed/4.2.2
- seqtk/1.3
- serf/1.3.8
- setxkbmap/1.3.1
- shared-mime-info/1.9
- silo/4.10.2
- snappy/1.1.3
- snpeff/4.3t
- somatic-sniper/
- sowing/1.1.23-p1
- sparsehash/2.0.3
- sqlite/3.18.0
- sra-toolkit/2.8.1
- sra-toolkit/2.8.2-1
- sra-toolkit/2.9.2
- sublime-text/2.0.2
- subversion/1.9.5
- suite-sparse/4.5.5
- superlu/5.2.1
- swig/2.0.12
- swig/3.0.10
- swig/3.0.11
- swig/3.0.12
- szip/2.1
- tar/1.29
- tbb/2017.5
- tbb/2018
- tcl/8.6.6
- texinfo/6.3
- texlive/live
- tk/8.6.6
- tmux/2.4
- tmux/2.6
- tree/1.7.0
- trimgalore/0.4.5
- trimgalore/0.6.4
- trimgalore/0.6.6
- trimmomatic/0.35
- trimmomatic/0.36
- udunits2/2.2.24
- unison/2.48.4
- units/2.13
- unixodbc/2.3.4
- unzip/6.0
- util-linux/2.29.1
- util-linux/2.29.2
- util-macros/1.19.1
- varscan/2.4.2
- vcftools/0.1.16
- velvet/1.2.10
- videoproto/2.3.3
- vim/8.0.0503
- vim/8.1.1746
- wget/1.17
- wildmidi/0.4.1
- wx/3.1.0
- xauth/1.0.9
- xbitmaps/1.1.1
- xcb-proto/1.12
- xcb-util-cursor/0.1.3
- xcb-util-errors/1.0
- xcb-util-image/0.4.0
- xcb-util-keysyms/0.4.0
- xcb-util-renderutil/0.3.9
- xcb-util-wm/0.4.1
- xcb-util/0.4.0
- xerces-c/3.1.4
- xextproto/7.3.0
- xf86miscproto/0.9.3
- xf86vidmodeproto/2.3.1
- xhost/1.0.7
- xineramaproto/1.2.1
- xkbcomp/1.3.1
- xkbdata/1.0.1
- xproto/7.0.29
- xtrans/1.3.5
- xz/5.2.3
- yasm/1.3.0
- zeromq/4.1.4
- zeromq/4.2.5
- zip/3.0
- zlib/1.2.11
- zsh/5.1.1
- zstd/1.4.3
MPI layer
The MPI layer contains modules that are depending on a particular compiler/MPI combination.
OpenMPI 2.1.0 GCC 4.8.5
- arpack-ng/3.4.0
- boost/1.62.0
- boost/1.63.0
- dtcmp/1.0.3
- fftw/3.3.5
- flann/1.9.1
- gmsh/3.0.6
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hypre/2.10.1
- hypre/2.11.1
- hypre/2.14.0
- julia/0.5.2
- libcircle/0.2.1-rc.1
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- mpifileutils/0.7
- mumps/5.0.1
- neper/3.3.0
- netcdf/4.4.1
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- openfoam-org/4.1
- orca/4.0.1
- orca/4.1.0
- orca/4.1.1
- orca/4.2.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- petsc/3.6.4
- petsc/3.10.2
- relion/3.0_beta
- relion/3.0.5
- relion/3.1.0_beta_13869ee
- relion/3.1.2
- scotch/6.0.4
- slepc/3.6.3
- superlu-dist/4.3
- superlu-dist/5.1.1
- superlu-dist/5.2.1
- superlu-dist/5.4.0
- trilinos/12.6.4
OpenMPI 2.1.0 GCC 6.3.0
- arpack-ng/3.4.0
- boost/1.63.0
- dtcmp/1.0.3
- fftw/3.3.5
- gmsh/3.0.6
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hypre/2.10.1
- hypre/2.11.1
- hypre/2.14.0
- libcircle/0.2.1-rc.1
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- mpifileutils/0.7
- mumps/5.0.1
- netcdf/4.4.1
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- petsc/3.6.4
- petsc/3.10.2
- scotch/6.0.4
- slepc/3.6.3
- superlu-dist/4.3
- superlu-dist/5.1.1
- superlu-dist/5.2.1
- superlu-dist/5.4.0
- trilinos/12.6.4
OpenMPI 2.1.0 GCC 8.2.0
- arpack-ng/3.4.0
- boost/1.63.0
- dtcmp/1.0.3
- fftw/3.3.5
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hypre/2.10.1
- hypre/2.11.1
- hypre/2.14.0
- libcircle/0.2.1-rc.1
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- mpifileutils/0.7
- mumps/5.0.1
- netcdf/4.4.1
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- scotch/6.0.4
- superlu-dist/4.3
- superlu-dist/5.1.1
- superlu-dist/5.2.1
- superlu-dist/5.4.0
OpenMPI 2.1.0 Intel 18.0.1
- arpack-ng/3.4.0
- boost/1.63.0
- dtcmp/1.0.3
- hdf5/1.10.2
- hypre/2.10.1
- hypre/2.11.1
- hypre/2.14.0
- libcircle/0.2.1-rc.1
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- scotch/6.0.4
- superlu-dist/4.3
- superlu-dist/5.1.1
- superlu-dist/5.2.1
- superlu-dist/5.4.0
OpenMPI 4.0.1 GCC 4.8.5
- boost/1.69.0
- hdf5/1.10.5
OpenMPI 4.0.1 GCC 6.3.0
- boost/1.69.0
- hdf5/1.10.5
OpenMPI 4.0.1 GCC 8.2.0
- boost/1.69.0
- hdf5/1.10.5