Personal scratch usage rules
From ScientificComputing
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U S A G E R U L E S F O R P E R S O N A L G L O B A L S C R A T C H -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your personal global scratch directory on Euler, /cluster/scratch/username, can be used if you need more disk space than available in your home directory. You can store at most 2.5 TB in at most 1 million files. This storage system is optimized for large parallel HPC applications. The storage is non-permanent and is not backed up. As described below, older files are continuously removed. If you want to use it you MUST read and respect the following RULES: 1) Out of respect for other users in a shared environment, please CLEAN UP your personal scratch directory and promptly remove the files that are no longer needed for your computations. 2) Files older than 15 days will be automatically DELETED without prior notice. 3) Any attempt to change the time stamp of files or directories to prevent them from being purged automatically is subject to technical or administrative action, up to and including removing your access to this storage system or suspending your account. 4) The GLOBAL scratch file systems are optimized for LARGE data files. If you are reading or writing many small files, or large files by small in increments, you will achieve better performance by using a LOCAL scratch file system or (space permitting) your home directory. 5) Like all work directories, global scratch file systems are NOT BACKED UP. The safekeeping of your data is YOUR responsibility. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By using the global scratch file systems of Euler, you are implicitly accepting these rules. People who do not respect these rules, or try to circumvent them, will face administrative actions such as the suspension of their Euler account. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014-10-29 / Cluster Support