Putty security updates

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Revision as of 11:09, 19 March 2019 by Sfux (talk | contribs) (PuTTY 0.71 changelog)

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We would like to inform cluster users, that are using the PuTTY SSH client that there are is a new release, which fixes a number of security issues that were found in a bug bounty program. Please note that we cannot provide any support for updating PuTTY on your computer as we don't provide desktop support. If you are using PuTTY, then please update to the new release 0.71.

You can download PuTTY 0.71 from the following website.

PuTTY 0.71 changelog

Please find below an excerpt of thechangelog of the new PuTTY version from https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/changes.html

  • Security fixes found by an EU-funded bug bounty programme:
    • a remotely triggerable memory overwrite in RSA key exchange, which can occur before host key verification
    • potential recycling of random numbers used in cryptography
    • on Windows, hijacking by a malicious help file in the same directory as the executable
    • on Unix, remotely triggerable buffer overflow in any kind of server-to-client forwarding
    • multiple denial-of-service attacks that can be triggered by writing to the terminal
  • Other security enhancements: major rewrite of the crypto code to remove cache and timing side channels.
  • User interface changes to protect against fake authentication prompts from a malicious server.