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Most recent software installations

Twenty most recent software installations. The list is based on the last modification time of the module files.

Euler new software stack (see complete list):
jemalloc/5.3.0 (gcc 9.3.0)
jemalloc/4.5.0 (gcc 9.3.0)
jemalloc/5.3.0 (gcc 11.4.0)
jemalloc/4.5.0 (gcc 11.4.0)
giflib/5.1.4 (gcc 11.4.0)
emacs/29.3 (gcc 8.2.0)
emacs/29.3 (gcc 6.3.0)
emacs/29.3 (gcc 4.8.5)
gtkplus/2.24.32 (gcc 11.4.0)
xrandr/1.5.1 (gcc 11.4.0)
shared-mime-info/1.10 (gcc 11.4.0)
gdk-pixbuf/2.31.4 (gcc 11.4.0)
atk/2.22.0 (gcc 11.4.0)
fcl/0.7.0 (gcc 8.2.0)
libccd/2.1 (gcc 8.2.0)
abaqus/2023 (intel 2022.1.2)
abaqus/2023 (intel 19.1.0)
blender/3.4.1 (Core)
gdal/3.5.3 (gcc 11.4.0)
libgeotiff/1.7.1 (gcc 11.4.0)

python_gpu/3.11.6 (gcc 11.4.0)
json-c/0.13.1 (gcc 11.4.0)
dlib/19.22 (gcc 8.2.0)
julia/1.10.2 (Core)
opencv/4.8.0 (gcc 8.2.0)
proj/8.2.1 (gcc 11.4.0)
fastani/1.33 (gcc 8.2.0)
mash/2.3 (gcc 8.2.0)
capnproto/0.10.2 (gcc 11.4.0)
capnproto/0.10.2 (gcc 8.2.0)
xcb-util-renderutil/0.3.10 (gcc 11.4.0)
glfw/3.3.8 (gcc 11.4.0)
ltrace/0.7.3 (gcc 9.3.0)
ltrace/0.7.3 (gcc 8.2.0)
ltrace/0.7.3 (gcc 6.3.0)
ltrace/0.7.3 (gcc 11.4.0)
ltrace/0.7.3 (gcc 4.8.5)
elfutils/0.189 (gcc 8.2.0)
elfutils/0.189 (gcc 6.3.0)
elfutils/0.189 (gcc 4.8.5)

List of recently installed software has been updated on Thu Jul 4 07:31:21 AM CEST 2024