Scientific computing services
From ScientificComputing
Revision as of 16:07, 20 November 2023 by Lhausammann (talk | contribs)
Scientific IT services provides a range of services to all members of ETH. Our core services include the operation of the central HPC cluster of ETH.
We also provide consulting for scientific computing, helping you to install software, setting up and optimizing your workflows. We work closely together with the groups Computational and Data Science Support, Research IT Platforms and Scientific Software and Database Management groups in Scientific IT Services.
HPC clusters
- Brutus (2007-2016)
- Leonhard open (2017-2021)
- Euler (2014-now)
Software as a service
We provide on Euler a JupyterHub service and use it as a template to provide additional services like code-server (VSCode fork), tensorboard and RStudio server. Please carefully read the wiki page about the JupyterHub before you use any of these services.