Unified quota wrapper

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We have implemented a unified quota wrapper lquota that can be used to query the space and file quota on all file systems on our clusters:

  • /cluster/home/$USER ($HOME, home directory)
  • /cluster/scratch/$USER ($SCRATCH, personal scratch directory)
  • /cluster/shadow (buffering stdout of running batch jobs)
  • /cluster/work (shareholder storage)
  • /cluster/project (shareholder storage)


Please note that the script only shows the quota for the entire storage share of a shareholder group. If there are per-user quotas set in addition to the total quota, then those are not displayed by the lquota wrapper script. For the per-user quotas, you would need to run the command

quota -s -f __PATH_to_your_directory__

Where __PATH_to_your_directory__ would need to be replaced with the path to the directory for which you would like to check your user quota.


The quota wrapper can display the space quotas either in bytes, in base 10 units or base 2 units.

Base 10

Name Prefix Size
Kilobyte kB 10^3 bytes
Megabyte MB 10^6 bytes
Gigabyte GB 10^9 bytes
Terabyte TB 10^{12} bytes
Petabyte PB 10^{15} bytes

Base 2

Name Prefix Size
Kibibyte KiB 2^{10} bytes
Mebibyte MiB 2^{20} bytes
Gibibyte GiB 2^{30} bytes
Tebibyte TiB 2^{40} bytes
Pebibyte PiB 2^{50} bytes


You can display the documentation of the command by running it with the parameter -h:

[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ lquota -h
/cluster/apps/local/lquota: Command to check quotas on distributed filesystems
Default: values are diplayed in decimal units

Usage: lquota [-h] [-2] [-b] [-p] [directory]

-h    display this help message and exit
-2    display space in binary units
-b    display space in bytes
-p    display the output in parsable format

If "directory" is not specified user's home and scratch directory are used as argument
[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ 

There are space quotas and inode quotas. An inode is a data structure to organize data in a file system. Each file or directory has one inode. Therefore a quota for inodes actually means that you can only have a limited number of files and directories in a storage share. For the home directories, we use a quota of 100'000 inodes, which implies that you cannot have more than 100'000 files and directories in your home directory.


If the command is run without specifying a particular path, then it displays the quota for the home directory, the personal scratch directory and the shadow file system in base 10 units:

[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ lquota
| Storage location:           | Quota type: | Used:            | Soft quota:      | Hard quota:      |
| /cluster/home/sfux          | space       |          7.66 GB |         17.18 GB |         21.47 GB |
| /cluster/home/sfux          | files       |            20724 |           160000 |           200000 |
| /cluster/shadow             | space       |          4.10 kB |          2.15 GB |          2.15 GB |
| /cluster/shadow             | files       |                2 |            50000 |            50000 |
| /cluster/scratch/sfux       | space       |        237.57 kB |          2.50 TB |          2.70 TB |
| /cluster/scratch/sfux       | files       |               29 |          1000000 |          1500000 |
[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ 

For output in base 2 units, please use the option -2:

[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ lquota -2
| Storage location:           | Quota type: | Used:            | Soft quota:      | Hard quota:      |
| /cluster/home/sfux          | space       |         7.14 GiB |        16.00 GiB |        20.00 GiB |
| /cluster/home/sfux          | files       |            20724 |           160000 |           200000 |
| /cluster/shadow             | space       |         4.00 KiB |         2.00 GiB |         2.00 GiB |
| /cluster/shadow             | files       |                2 |            50000 |            50000 |
| /cluster/scratch/sfux       | space       |       232.00 KiB |         2.27 TiB |         2.46 TiB |
| /cluster/scratch/sfux       | files       |               29 |          1000000 |          1500000 |
[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$

For output in bytes, please use the option -b

[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ lquota -b
| Storage location:           | Quota type: | Used:            | Soft quota:      | Hard quota:      |
| /cluster/home/sfux          | space       |       7662727168 |      17179869184 |      21474836480 |
| /cluster/home/sfux          | files       |            20723 |           160000 |           200000 |
| /cluster/shadow             | space       |             4096 |       2147483648 |       2147483648 |
| /cluster/shadow             | files       |                2 |            50000 |            50000 |
| /cluster/scratch/sfux       | space       |           237568 |    2499670966272 |    2699386945536 |
| /cluster/scratch/sfux       | files       |               29 |          1000000 |          1500000 |
[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$

For parsable output, please use the option -p

[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ lquota -p
  Storage location:             Quota type:   Used:              Soft quota:        Hard quota:       
  /cluster/home/sfux            space               7662727168        17179869184        21474836480  
  /cluster/home/sfux            files                    20723             160000             200000  
  /cluster/shadow               space                     4096         2147483648         2147483648  
  /cluster/shadow               files                        2              50000              50000  
  /cluster/scratch/sfux         space                   237568      2499670966272      2699386945536  
  /cluster/scratch/sfux         files                       29            1000000            1500000  
[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ 

If a path is specified as argument to the script, then it will display the inode and space quota for this particular storage share:

[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ lquota /cluster/project/sis
| Storage location:           | Quota type: | Used:            | Soft quota:      | Hard quota:      |
| /cluster/project/sis        | space[B]    |          6.17 TB |                - |         10.41 TB |
| /cluster/project/sis        | files       |          1155583 |                - |         30721113 |
[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$
[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$ lquota /cluster/work/sis
| Storage location:           | Quota type: | Used:            | Soft quota:      | Hard quota:      |
| /cluster/work/sis           | space       |          8.36 TB |         10.00 TB |         11.00 TB |
| /cluster/work/sis           | files       |          1142478 |         10000000 |         11000000 |
[sfux@eu-login-11 ~]$