Usage statistics 2022

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General Statistics

Number of jobs

Cluster Number of processed jobs
Euler 68,932,195

Number of users*

Cluster Number of users
Euler 3,927
CLC Genomics Server 5
Matlab Distributed Computing Server 39

* Only users that submitted at least one job were counted.

Number of support requests*

Support channel Number of support requests
OTRS ticket system 2544

*Tickets from the SIS top-level, the SIS::Spam and from the SIS::Leonhard Med queue are not included, even if they were handled by the HPC group

Euler statistics

Distribution of jobs by size

Number of cores Number of jobs Percentage of total CPU time in 2022
0* 194,560 0.00%
1 36,283,724 10.95%
2-3 1,307,951 0.99%
4-7 6,300,558 5.29%
8-15 21,271,192 11.87%
16-31 2,584,581 14.33%
32-63 594,033 15.01%
64-127 134,472 10.77%
128-255 226,925 13.49%
256-511 17,824 5.63%
512-1,023 13,790 7.77%
>=1,024 2,585 3.90%
Total 68,932,195 100.00 %

*Jobs listed with 0 cores are jobs that were submitted and then cancelled before they started running.

Distribution of jobs by CPU time used


Distribution of users by CPU time used


CPU hours used Number of users Percentage of all users
0-1 444 11.31%
1-10 260 6.62%
10-100 412 10.49%
100-1,000 659 16.78%
1,000-10,000 893 22.74%
10,000-100,000 733 18.66%
100,000-1,000,000 404 10.29%
1,000,000-10,000,000 122 3.11%