You can start the graphical user interface (GUI) of COMSOL in a batch interactive job with X11 forwarding. This can be useful to change your COMSOL preferences or to prepare a model or check the result of a COMSOL job. You can start an interactive job with the command
srun --pty --x11 [Slurm options] bash
Afterwards, you can load one of the COMSOL modules
module load comsol/5.2
and finally start the GUI with the comsol command.
comsol -np 1
If the COMSOL GUI runs slow through X11, then please have a look at the troubleshooting section of this wiki page. Don't start the COMSOL GUI on a login node, as login nodes only have few resources and are shared by many users. Following the proposed workflow for starting the GUI above prevents from starting COMSOL on a login node.