Euler Helpdesk

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Due to popular demand, we would like to offer our users the possibility to come in and ask cluster-related questions in person.

Next session

The next session will be held on :


Please note that the location changes from one session to another. The office hours are held every other week on Tuesdays afternoon.

This is a trial run. Based on participation and your questions, we may update the format and the modalities of this meeting.


We drafted a few guidelines so you would know what to expect from the Helpdesk hours. If you are unsure whether your problem fits into them or not, feel free to come in and ask, we are always happy to have a chat with our users.

  • Please come with a clear question in mind and bring your own laptop.
  • If the issue is related to a job (no matter if pending, running or done), please make sure you can provide the jobid and the slurm-*.out logfile.

During the Helpdesk hours, we will be happy to :

  • help you to access the cluster and/or point you towards the relevant documentation to solve your issues
  • help you to find the relevant modules to run software on Euler
  • help you to run your code on the cluster
  • explain the internal functioning of the cluster and the optimal use of Euler
  • provide any help related to the batch system
  • ...