Euler applications

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The currently available modules on Euler are presented in the following table, with the following typographic convention:

  • Bold version numbers are the current default
  • Italic supported version numbers will be moved to legacy
  • Italic new versions will be moved to supported
  • Crossed-out versions will be removed
  • Underlined versions will be the new defaults
Application Category Module name Legacy versions Supported versions New versions Notes
Abaqus FEA abaqus 6.11 6.13-26.14-1 2016
Abinit Chemistry abinit 7.10.5
ADF Chemistry adf 2012.012013.01 2014.07 2016.107
AFNI Bioinformatics afni 16.2.09
AGI Photoscan Visualization agi_photoscan 1.3.4
ALPS Physics alps 2.2b4-r7651
Amber Chemistry amber 12
AMDIS Chemistry amdis 3197 3247
ANSYS Simulation ansys 14.515.0 16.217.0 18.018.2
Apache Ant Development ant 1.9.4
ants Image Processing ants 2.1.0
Auto Mathematics auto07p 0.9.1
autoconf Development autoconf 2.69
automake Development automake 1.15
Bazel Development bazel 0.4.4
GNU Binutils Development binutils 2.25 Needed to build AVX2 executables.
Biocondutor R Bioinformatics bioconductor
NCBI BLAST++ Bioinformatics blast 2.2.30
Boost Library boost 1.59.0_py2.
Bowtie Bioinformatics bowtie 1.1.1
Bowtie2 Bioinformatics bowtie2 2.2.3
bzip2 Compression bzip2 1.0.6
Cantera Chemistry cantera
canu Bioinformatics canu 1.2
Climate Data Operators (CDO) Climate cdo 1.6.4
Cellprofiler Biology cellprofiler 2.2
CentOS Compatibility Libraries System centos_cruft 6
ANSYS CFX CFD cfx 14.515.0 16.217.0 18.018.2
CGAL Mathematics cgal 4.10
CHARMM Chemistry charmm c39b1 Only for licenced users.
climate climate 1.01.0~
CMake Development cmake 3.9.2
COMSOL Multiphysics Physics comsol 5.3a
CP2K Chemistry cp2k 2.5.140753.0 2.4.133773.0_libxc3.0_noelpa3.0_plumed4.1trunk.2.5.13191
CST Microwave Studio Physics cst_microwave 2017
CuffLinks cufflinks
curl Library curl 7.49.1
Cyana Chemistry cyana 3.973.98
Dalton Chemistry dalton 2016.12016.1_64
DEAL-II Library dealii 8.2.1 8.3.0 8.5.0
DIRAC Chemistry dirac 14
Eigen Library eigen 3.2.1
ELPA Library elpa 2015.11.001 2016.05.004
express Bioinformatics express 1.5.1
FALCON Bioinformatics falcon 0.5.0
FDTD Solutions Physics fdtd 8.5.3 8.118.15
FEniCS Mathematics fenics 1.6.0
FFmpeg Visualization ffmpeg 1.0.1 2.3.3
FFTW Library fftw 3.3.3 3.3.4
fftw_ld Library fftw_ld 3.3.3 3.3.4
fftw_sp Library fftw_sp 3.3.3 3.3.4
fix fix 1.06
ANSYS FLUENT CFD fluent 14.515.0 16.217.0 18.018.2
OpenFOAM Extend Fluid Dynamics foam_ext 3.1
FreeFem++ Library freefem 3.34
freesurfer visualization freesurfer 6.0.0
FSL Library fsl 5.0.7 5.0.9
ga library ga 5.6.2
GAMESS US Chemistry gamess 2014_R12014_R1_ser 2013_BLW2014_XMVB
GAMS Chemistry gams 24.524.8
GATK Bioinformatics gatk 3.4.463.53.73.8
Gaussian Chemistry gaussian 09d1 Access upon request.
GNU GCC Development gcc 4.7.4
gdb Development gdb 7.12
git Development git
GLPK Mathematics glpk 4.60
GMP Library gmp 5.1.3 6.0.0a6.1.0_cxx6.1.2
Gmsh FEM gmsh 2.12
GMT Visualization gmt 5.3.1
GNU parallel Development gnu_parallel 20140622
Gradle Development gradle 3.1
Graphviz Visualization graphviz 2.38
Gromacs Chemistry gromacs 4.5.7_plumed4.6.7 5.0.2 5.0.2_plumed
GSL Library gsl 1.141.16
Gurobi Mathematics gurobi c6.0.2
gUSE Development guse 20150319
HDF5 Library hdf5 1.8.12 1.8.13
hwloc System hwloc 1.11.0
HYPRE library hypre 2.10.0b
ANSYS ICEMCFD CFD icemcfd 14.515.0 16.217.0 18.018.2
Intel MPI Library MPI impi 2017.0.0.0982017.0.0982017.4.2392018.02018.1.1635.
IMSB tools Bioinformatics imsbtools 2015031920150319_swath20150319-test
IMSL Numerical Libraries Library imsl 7.1
Intel Composer Development intel
intel_tools intel_tools 2017.52018.0
Interconnect System interconnect ethernetinfiniband
Java Development java 1.6.0_31 1.7.0_511.8.0_311.8.0_91
Julia Development julia 0.6.2 0.5.0_dev
Jython Development jython 2.7.0
LAMMPS Chemistry lammps 2015-08-10 2015-05-152016-02-162016-02-16_python2016-05-14
Libint Library libint 1.1.5
libsvm libsvm 3.2.2
libxc Chemistry libxc
LIBXSMM Library libxsmm 1.4.1
LifeV FEM lifev 3.8.8
LLVM Development llvm
LSF DRMAA Library lsf_drmaa
Maple Mathematics maple 17 2016
mapper Bioinformatics mapper 1.0 bfast
MSC Marc FEA marc 2013.1 2015
Mathematica Mathematics mathematica 9.0.1
MATLAB Numerical matlab 8.28.5R2017b
Apache Maven Development maven 3.2.3
Ansys electronics desktop Physics maxwell 17.0
Maxwell Render Visualization maxwellrender 3.2
METIS Library metis
MKL Library mkl 14.0.1 2017.52018.02018.1
molcas chemistry molcas 18.0.o180122-0800
molden Visualization molden 5.6
Molpro Chemistry molpro 2010.1 2012.1_ser2015.12015.1.18
Mono .NET framework Development mono 3.12.0
MPFR library mpfr 3.1.2 3.1.2_gmp6
MrTrx3 Library mrtrix3 0.2.11 vzvz2
MUMPS Library mumps
MVAPICH2 MPI mvapich2 2.1
MyriMatch Biology myrimatch 2.2.8634
NAMD Chemistry namd 2.10 2.10_test
NBO Chemistry nbo 5.96.0
NCO Library nco 4.4.8
Ncview Visualization ncview 2.1.2
netCDF Library netcdf 4.3.1 4.3.2 Include support for netCDF4/HDF5 parallel I/O.
node.js Development node 5.1.1
ntl Numerics ntl 9.8.1
Nwchem Chemistry nwchem 6.6
NX Nastran nxnastran 11
octave Mathematics octave 4.2.1
OMSSA Biology omssa 2.1.9
OpenBabel Chemistry openbabel 2.4.1
OpenBLAS Library openblas 0.2.13_par0.2.13_seq0.2.8_par0.2.8_seq
OpenCV Computer Vision opencv 3.1
OpenFOAM CFD openfoam 2.3.0 2.4.0 4.1
OpenMesh Mathematics openmesh 6.0
Open MPI MPI open_mpi 1.4.5 1.6.5
OpenMS Chemistry openms
ORCA Chemistry orca
OpenSHMEM over MPI-3 Development oshmpi 2014-08-20
PAPI Development papi 5.4.1
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition Development parallel_studio_xe 201520162016.22017.02017.52018.02018.1
ParaView Visualization paraview 4.1.0
ParMETIS Library parmetis
PCRE Regular expression pcre 8.38
Perl Development perl
PETSc Library petsc
PGI Compiler Development pgi 14.115.1
phylo Bioinformatics phylo 1.0 BEAGLE, BEAST, muscle, PhyML
pigz Compression pigz 2.3.4
PLUMED Chemistry plumed 2.1.0 2.3.2
Parallel netCDF Library pnetcdf 1.3.1
PSI4 Chemistry psi4 1.1a1_p1 1.0rc1.1a1
ProteoWizard Proteomics pwiz 2.2.32393.0.10051
pyFerret Library pyferret 1.0.2
PyMOL Visualization pymol
Python Development python
qbox MD qbox 1.63.7
Q-Chem Chemistry qchem 4.3_SMP
QGIS Development qgis 2.16.2
Qt Development qt 4.8.4 5.5.0
Quantum Espresso Chemistry quantum_espresso 4.0.3
R Project Numerical r
RAxML bioinformatics raxml 8.2.4
RELION Bioinformatics relion
Rosetta Bioinformatics rosetta 3.63.8
Revolution R Enterprise Mathematics rre 7 7.37.4
RStudio Development rstudio 0.99.669
Saint Bioinformatics saint 0.0.4_q2.3.4_full2.5.0_full3.1.0_express3.6.1_express
SAMtools Bioinformatics samtools 1.11.2
ScaLAPACK Library scalapack 2.0.2
SPHIRE sphire 20170602
SPRNG Numerics sprng 5.0
SQLite Development sqlite
ssh_wrapper ssh_wrapper blaunch
STAR Bioinformatics star 2.4.2a2.5.3a
Stata Mathematics stata 1314
Subread Bioinformatics subread 1.5.0
SuiteSparse Library suitesparse
SuperLU_DIST Mathematics superlu_dist 5.1.3_32
SVN svn 1.9.5
SWIG Development swig
SWMM Physics swmm 5.1.010
SZIP Library szip 2.1
X!Tandem Proteomics tandem 2015.12.15
TeX Live Typesetting texlive 2009
TMUX System tmux 2.5
TopHat Bioinformatics tophat 2.0.13
tpp Bioninformatics tpp
TransAT CFD transat 5.2.3
Trilinos Library trilinos 12.2.1
Turbomole Chemistry turbomole
UDUNITS Library udunits 2.2.18 2.1.24
Valgrind Profiling valgrind 3.11.0
VASP Chemistry vasp 5.35.3_Gamma5.3_Gamma_intel_fix5.3_intel_fix5.3_O15.3_SOC5.3_VTST5.3_VTST_Gamma_intel_fix5.3_VTST_intel_fix5. Only for license holders.
vcp Bioinformatics vcp 1.01.1 check components: module help vcp
VisIt Visualization visit 2.8.0 2.12.3
VMD Visualization vmd 1.9.2
VTK Visualization vtk 6.1.0
wxWidgets Development wxwidgets
Xerces Bioinformatics xerces 3.1.1
Xmgrace Visualization xmgrace 5.1.24
Xpdf Visualization xpdf 3.03
xquest Bioninformatics xquest 2.1.5
xz Compression xz 5.2.2
zlib Compression zlib 1.2.8