Euler applications and libraries
The CentOS software stack is obsolete and does not work any more with the new Ubuntu setup. You can find an overview on the Ubuntu software stack on this wiki page.
This page lists all available software packages of the new software stack. On Euler cluster, we plan to switch to LMOD modules, which provide some additional features compared to environment modules that we are currently using on Euler. LMOD allows to define a hierarchy of modules containing 3 layers (Core, Compiler, MPI). Therefore we present the list of available applications and libraries in a different way that takes into account the 3 layers of the module hierarchy.
For Python packages, we don't create LMOD modules. For a list of all available Python packages, please check the following wiki page.
Module hierarchy
Core layer
The core layer contains all module files which are not depending on any compiler/MPI. This can for instance be compilers, utility modules (eth_proxy, StdEnv) or commercial codes that bring their own runtime libraries to be independent of the compilers available on the system.
- StdEnv
- adf/2016.107
- adf/2017.114
- adf/2019.302
- adf/2021.102
- adf/2022.103
- adf/2023.101
- amira/2022.1
- ansys/18.2_research
- ansys/18.2_teaching
- ansys/18.2
- ansys/19.5_research
- ansys/19.5_teaching
- ansys/19.5
- ansys/21.2_research
- ansys/21.2_teaching
- ansys/21.2
- ansys/23.1_research
- ansys/23.1_teaching
- ansys_em/19.5_research
- ansys_em/19.5_swissloop
- ansys_em/19.5_teaching
- ansys_em/19.5
- ansys_em/20.2.4_research
- ansys_em/20.2.4_swissloop
- ansys_em/20.2.4_teaching
- ansys_em/20.2.4
- ansys_em/22.1_research
- ansys_em/22.1_swissloop
- ansys_em/22.1_teaching
- arc/1.0.1
- arc/2.0.0
- atac/1.1.0
- atac/1.2.0
- atac/2.0.0
- avizotogo/2022.1
- bamstats/1.25
- blender/2.79b
- blender/2.80
- blender/2.93
- blender/3.1.2
- blender/3.3.12
- blender/3.4.1
- bs/1.5.3
- cdt/1.00
- cellranger/3.1.0
- cellranger/4.0.0
- cellranger/5.0.1
- cellranger/6.0.0
- cellranger/6.1.1
- cellranger/6.1.2
- cellranger/7.0.0
- cellranger/7.1.0
- cfx/18.2_research
- cfx/18.2_teaching
- cfx/18.2
- cfx/19.5_research
- cfx/19.5_teaching
- cfx/19.5
- cfx/21.2_research
- cfx/21.2_teaching
- cfx/21.2
- cfx/23.1_research
- cfx/23.1_teaching
- climate/3.0
- climate/4.0
- code-server/3.9.3
- code-server/3.11.1
- code-server/3.12.0
- code-server/4.10.0
- comsol/5.3a
- comsol/5.4
- comsol/5.5
- comsol/5.6
- comsol/6.0
- comsol/6.1
- comsol/6.2
- cst_studio_suite/2020
- cubit/2020.2
- cubit/2021.4
- cubit/2022.4
- cutensor/
- cutensor/
- cutensor/
- cutensor/
- dna/1.1.0
- dorado/0.3.1
- eth_proxy
- fiji/2.1.0
- fluent/18.2_research
- fluent/18.2_teaching
- fluent/18.2
- fluent/19.5_research
- fluent/19.5_teaching
- fluent/19.5
- fluent/21.2_research
- fluent/21.2_teaching
- fluent/21.2
- fluent/23.1_research
- fluent/23.1_teaching
- freesurfer/6.0.0
- gama/1.8
- gams/28.2
- gautomatch/0.56
- gcc/4.8.2
- gcc/4.8.5
- gcc/5.4.0
- gcc/6.3.0
- gcc/7.3.0
- gcc/8.2.0
- gcc/9.3.0
- gcc/11.4.0
- gctf/1.06
- gctf/1.18
- guppy-cpu/5.0.16
- guppy-cpu/6.5.7
- guppy-gpu/5.0.16
- guppy-gpu/6.0.1
- gurobi/9.0.2
- gurobi/9.1.1
- gurobi/9.5.1
- gurobi/10.0.1
- hyperworks/2021
- hyperworks/2021.2
- icemcfd/18.2_research
- icemcfd/18.2_teaching
- icemcfd/18.2
- icemcfd/19.5_research
- icemcfd/19.5_teaching
- icemcfd/19.5
- icemcfd/21.2_research
- icemcfd/21.2_teaching
- icemcfd/21.2
- idl/8.8
- imagej/1.53
- intel/18.0.1
- intel/19.1.0
- intel/2018.1
- intel/2020.0
- intel/2022.1.2
- intel_tools/18.0.1
- intel_tools/2018.1
- interconnect/ethernet
- interconnect/infiniband
- julia/1.10.2
- libtorch/1.11.0
- libtorch/1.13.0
- libtorch/2.1.1
- mallet/2.0.8
- maple/2023
- marc/2020
- mathematica/11.1.1
- mathematica/13.0.1
- matlab/R2017b
- matlab/R2020a
- matlab/R2020b
- matlab/R2021a
- matlab/R2022a
- matlab/R2022b
- matlab/R2023b
- matlab/9.3
- molpro/2023.2.0_mpipr
- molpro/2023.2.0_sockets
- nvhpc/22.11_byo_compiler
- nvhpc/22.11_nompi
- nvhpc/22.11
- nxnastran/11
- orca/4.2.1
- orca/5.0.0
- orca/5.0.1
- orca/5.0.2
- orca/5.0.3
- orca/5.0.4
- paraview/5.6.0
- paraview/5.8.0_headless
- paraview/5.8.0
- paraview/5.9.1_headless
- paraview/5.9.1
- pgi/15.1
- qchem/4.3_SMP
- sambamba/0.8.1
- spaceranger/1.2.1
- spaceranger/1.3.1
- spaceranger/2.0.0
- spaceranger/2.1.0
- spinevolution/6.2.6
- stata/14
- stata/16
- trf/4.09.1
- turbomole/7.0.2_smp
- turbomole/7.0.2
- turbomole/7.4.1_smp
- turbomole/7.4.1
- uprof/4.1.424
- virify/0.4.0
- vmd/1.9.3
Compiler layer
The compiler layer contains all modules which are depending on a particular compilers, but not on any MPI library. The standard compiler for the new software stack on Euler is GCC 4.8.5, therefore most applications and libraries are available for this compiler. There are additional toolchains for GCC 6.3.0 (supports c++14 standard), GCC 8.2.0 (supports c++17 standard) and for Intel 18.0.1.
GCC 4.8.5
- abseil-cpp/20190808
- ack/2.22
- admixtools/7.0.2
- alglib/3.11.0
- alsa-lib/
- angsd/0.921
- angsd/0.925
- angsd/0.940
- ann/1.1.2
- ant/1.9.9
- antlr/2.7.7
- ants/2.3.5
- apr-util/1.5.4
- apr-util/1.6.0
- apr-util/1.6.1
- apr/1.5.2
- apr/1.6.2
- apr/1.7.0
- aragorn/1.2.38
- arb/2.17.0
- argtable/2-13
- aspell/
- assembly-stats/1.0.1
- assimp/5.0.1
- astral/4.10.7
- astyle/3.0.1
- atacprimertool/1.0
- atk/2.20.0
- atk/2.21.90
- atk/2.22.0
- atlas/3.10.2
- atompaw/
- atop/2.2-3
- augustus/3.4.0
- autoconf/2.69
- autoconf/2.70
- autoconf/2.71
- automake/1.15
- automake/1.15.1
- automake/1.16.2
- automake/1.16.3
- bam-readcount/0.8.0
- bamtools/2.4.0
- bamtools/2.5.1
- bamutil/1.0.13
- bamutil/1.0.15
- bash-completion/2.7
- bash/4.4
- bash/4.4.12
- bash/5.0
- bazel/0.9.0
- bazel/0.11.1
- bazel/0.24.1
- bbmap/37.36
- bbmap/39.05
- bc/1.07
- bcftools/1.6
- bcftools/1.12
- bcftools/1.15.1
- bcftools/1.16
- bcl2fastq/2.20.422
- bdw-gc/7.4.4
- bdw-gc/7.6.0
- bdw-gc/8.0.0
- beagle/3.3.2
- beagle/4.1
- beagle/5.1
- beagle/5.4
- beast1/1.8.4
- beast2/2.4.6
- beast2/2.5.2
- bedops/2.4.36
- bedtools2/2.26.0
- bedtools2/2.27.1
- bedtools2/2.29.2
- bedtools2/2.30.0
- berkeley-db/5.3.28
- berkeley-db/6.2.32
- berkeley-db/18.1.40
- binutils/2.28
- binutils/2.29.1
- binutils/2.36
- binutils/2.36.1
- bismark/0.19.0
- bison/3.0.4
- bison/3.4.2
- bison/3.8.2
- bitmap/1.0.8
- blast-plus/2.9.0
- blat/35
- blat/36
- blaze/3.1
- blaze/3.2
- bliss/0.73
- blitz/1.0.1
- boost/1.62.0
- boost/1.63.0
- boost/1.64.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.69.0
- boost/1.73.0
- boost/1.74.0
- bowtie/1.2
- bowtie/1.3.0
- bowtie/1.3.1
- bowtie2/
- bowtie2/
- bowtie2/2.4.4
- bowtie2/2.5.1
- bpp-core/2.2.0
- bpp-phyl/2.2.0
- bpp-seq/2.2.0
- bpp-suite/2.2.0
- breseq/0.30.1
- brotli/1.0.9
- bwa-mem2/2.2.1
- bwa/0.7.12
- bwa/0.7.15
- bwa/0.7.17
- bzip2/1.0.6
- bzip2/1.0.8
- c-blosc/1.12.1
- cairo/1.14.8
- cairo/1.14.10
- cairo/1.14.12
- cairo/1.17.2
- cairo/1.17.4
- canu/1.9
- cap3/2015-02-11
- cares/1.13.0
- ccp4/7.1.016
- ccpem/1.5.0
- cdbfasta/2017-03-16
- cddlib/0.94h
- cdhit/4.6.8
- cereal/1.2.2
- cereal/1.3.2
- cfitsio/4.0.0
- cgal/4.11
- cgal/5.4.1
- checkm/1.1.2
- chromhmm/1.22
- cistem/1.0.0
- clhep/
- cloc/1.74
- clustalo/1.2.4
- clustalw/2.1
- cmake/
- cmake/3.4.3
- cmake/3.5.2
- cmake/3.8.0
- cmake/3.9.0
- cmake/3.9.4
- cmake/3.11.0
- cmake/3.11.1
- cmake/3.12.4
- cmake/3.14.4
- cmake/3.15.3
- cmake/3.16.5
- cmake/3.19.8
- cmake/3.20.3
- cmake/3.25.0
- cmake/3.26.3
- cmocka/1.1.1
- cnpy/master
- colm/0.12.0
- compositeproto/0.4.2
- connectome_workbench/1.3.2
- coreutils/8.26
- coreutils/8.31
- coverm/0.6.1
- cpp-argparse/2.9
- cppad/20170000.8
- cppcheck/1.81
- cppunit/1.13.2
- crisprcasfinder/4.2.20
- cscope/15.8b
- cscope/15.9
- ctffind/4.1.8
- cub/1.7.1
- cube/4.3.5
- cuda/8.0.61
- cuda/9.0.176
- cuda/9.1.85
- cuda/9.2.88
- cuda/10.0.130
- cuda/10.1.243
- cuda/10.2.89
- cuda/11.0.3
- cuda/11.1.1
- cuda/11.2.2
- cuda/11.3.1
- cuda/11.4.2
- cuda/11.5.0
- cuda/11.6.2
- cuda/11.7.0
- cuda/11.8.0
- cuda/12.0.1
- cuda/12.1.1
- cudnn/5.1
- cudnn/6.0
- cudnn/7.0
- cudnn/7.1.4
- cudnn/7.2
- cudnn/7.3
- cudnn/7.4
- cudnn/7.5
- cudnn/7.6.4
- cudnn/8.0.5
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cufflinks/2.2.1
- cups/2.2.3
- curl/7.53.1
- curl/7.59.0
- curl/7.61.1
- curl/7.72.0
- curl/7.73.0
- cvs/1.12.13
- czmq/4.0.2
- damageproto/1.2.1
- dante/1.4.2
- datamash/1.1.0
- dbus/1.11.2
- dbus/1.12.10
- diamond/0.9.14
- diamond/0.9.22
- diamond/0.9.24
- diamond/0.9.28
- diamond/2.0.6
- direnv/2.11.3
- disambiguate/1.0.0
- dmd/2.081.1
- dmlc-core/20170508
- dmxproto/2.3.1
- dos2unix/7.3.4
- double-conversion/2.0.1
- dri2proto/2.8
- dri3proto/1.0
- dropest/0.8.6
- ea-utils/1.04.807
- eccodes/2.21.0
- ed/1.4
- eigen/3.3.4
- eigen/3.3.7
- eigen/3.3.9
- elfutils/0.163
- elfutils/0.189
- emacs/26.1
- emacs/27.2
- emacs/28.2
- emacs/29.3
- emboss/6.6.0
- energyplus/8.2.0
- energyplus/8.5.0
- energyplus/8.9.0
- exonerate/2.4.0
- expat/2.2.0
- expat/2.2.2
- expat/2.2.9
- exuberant-ctags/5.8
- farmhash/92e897
- fasta/36.3.8g
- fastani/1.33
- fastme/
- fastp/0.23.2
- fastq-screen/0.11.2
- fastq-screen/0.15.3
- fastqc/0.11.4
- fastqc/0.11.5
- fastqc/0.11.9
- fasttree/2.1.11
- fastx-toolkit/0.0.14
- ffmpeg/3.2.4
- ffmpeg/3.2.14
- fftw/3.3.5
- fftw/3.3.9
- findutils/4.6.0
- fixesproto/5.0
- flac/1.3.2
- flash/1.2.11
- flatbuffers/1.12.0
- flex/2.6.1
- flex/2.6.3
- flex/2.6.4
- flint/2.5.2
- fltk/1.3.3
- fluidsynth/1.1.10
- font-util/1.3.1
- fontcacheproto/0.1.3
- fontconfig/2.11.1
- fontconfig/2.12.3
- fontconfig/2.13.1
- fontsproto/2.1.3
- fonttosfnt/1.0.4
- fraggenescan/1.31
- freeglut/3.0.0
- freeimage/3.18.0
- freetype/2.7
- freetype/2.7.1
- freetype/2.10.4
- freetype/2.11.1
- freexl/1.0.5
- fribidi/1.0.5
- fribidi/1.0.12
- fsl/6.0.4
- gatk/
- gatk/
- gatk/
- gatk/
- gatk/
- gatk/
- gaussian/09d01
- gawk/4.1.4
- gawk/5.1.0
- gcc/5.4.0
- gcc/6.3.0
- gcc/7.3.0
- gcc/8.2.0
- gcc/9.3.0
- gcc/11.4.0
- gdal/3.1.2
- gdal/3.1.4
- gdal/3.2.0
- gdal/3.4.3
- gdal/3.5.3
- gdbm/1.13
- gdbm/1.14.1
- gdbm/1.18.1
- gdbm/1.19
- gdbm/1.23
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.2
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.3
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.4
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.6
- gdrcopy/2.2
- gemmlowp/a6f29d9ac
- geos/3.6.2
- geos/3.8.1
- geos/3.9.1
- gettext/0.19.8
- gettext/
- gettext/0.20.1
- gflags/2.1.2
- gflags/2.2.2
- gh/2.5.1
- ghostscript-fonts/8.11
- ghostscript/9.21
- ghostscript/9.54.0
- giflib/5.1.4
- git-lfs/2.3.0
- git/2.12.1
- git/2.15.1
- git/2.31.1
- glew/2.0.0
- glew/2.1.0
- glib/2.49.7
- glib/2.50.3
- glib/2.53.1
- glib/2.56.0
- glib/2.56.1
- glib/2.56.2
- glib/2.68.2
- glib/2.68.3
- glm/
- global/6.5
- glog/0.3.4
- glog/0.3.5
- glog/0.4.0
- glpk/4.55
- glpk/4.61
- glpk/4.65
- glproto/1.4.17
- gmake/4.0
- gmake/4.2.1
- gmp/6.1.2
- gnat/2016
- gnuplot/5.2.0
- gnutls/3.5.10
- gnutls/3.5.13
- gnutls/3.6.15
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20161024
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20170531
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20171003
- go/1.8.1
- go/1.10.1
- go/1.11.1
- go/1.18
- gobject-introspection/1.49.1
- gobject-introspection/1.49.2
- gobject-introspection/1.50.0
- gobject-introspection/1.56.1
- googletest/1.8.1
- gperf/3.0.4
- gperftools/2.4
- gpu-burn/1.0
- gradle/7.2
- graphtyper/1.3
- graphviz/2.46.0
- groff/1.22.3
- gsl/1.16
- gsl/2.3
- gsl/2.4
- gsl/2.6
- gsl/2.7.1
- gtkplus/2.24.32
- gts/121130
- guile/2.2.0
- gzip/1.11
- harfbuzz/1.4.5
- harfbuzz/1.4.6
- harfbuzz/1.4.7
- harfbuzz/1.4.8
- harfbuzz/2.9.1
- harminv/1.4
- hdf/4.2.12
- hdf/4.2.13
- hdf/4.2.15
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hdf5/1.10.7
- hdf5/1.10.9
- help2man/1.47.4
- highfive/1.5
- highwayhash/dfcb97
- hisat2/2.1.0
- hisat2/2.2.1
- htop/2.0.2
- htslib/1.2
- htslib/1.3.1
- htslib/1.6
- htslib/1.7
- htslib/1.10.2
- htslib/1.12
- htslib/1.15.1
- htslib/1.16
- hwloc/1.11.6
- hwloc/1.11.8
- hwloc/1.11.9
- hwloc/1.11.10
- hwloc/1.11.12
- hwloc/2.0.1
- hwloc/2.2.0
- hwloc/2.5.0
- hwloc/2.7.0
- hwloc/2.7.1
- hydra/3.3.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- icu4c/58.2
- icu4c/60.1
- icu4c/66.1
- id3lib/3.8.3
- idba/1.1.3
- igraph/0.7.1
- igv/2.8.2
- ilmbase/2.3.0
- image-magick/7.0.5-9
- imake/1.0.7
- infernal/1.1.4
- inputproto/2.3.2
- intel-tbb/2017.5
- intel-tbb/2018.2
- intel-tbb/2020.3
- intltool/0.50.2
- intltool/0.51.0
- isl/0.14
- isl/0.15
- isl/0.18
- isl/0.19
- isl/0.20
- isl/0.21
- jags/4.3.0
- jansson/2.9
- jasper/1.900.1
- jasper/3.0.3
- jdk/8u141-b15
- jemalloc/4.5.0
- jmol/14.8.0
- jq/1.5
- json-c/0.13.1
- jsoncpp/1.7.3
- judy/1.0.5
- kbproto/1.0.7
- kim-api/2.2.1
- kneaddata/0.10
- kraken2/2.1.2
- krb5/1.16.1
- lame/3.100
- lastz/1.04.03
- lbzip2/2.5
- lcms/2.8
- lcms/2.9
- leveldb/1.20
- lftp/4.8.1
- lftp/4.9.2
- libaec/1.0.2
- libaio/0.3.110
- libarchive/3.2.1
- libarchive/3.3.2
- libarchive/3.5.1
- libassuan/2.4.5
- libatomic-ops/7.4.4
- libatomic-ops/7.6.6
- libbsd/0.8.6
- libbsd/0.10.0
- libcerf/1.3
- libcheck/0.12.0
- libctl/3.2.2
- libdeflate/1.7
- libdeflate/1.10
- libdrm/2.4.70
- libdrm/2.4.81
- libdrm/2.4.100
- libdwarf/20160507
- libedit/3.1-20170329
- libedit/3.1-20210216
- libelf/0.8.13
- libevent/2.0.19
- libevent/2.0.21
- libevent/2.1.12
- libfabric/1.8.0
- libffi/3.2.1
- libfontenc/1.1.3
- libfs/1.0.7
- libgcrypt/1.6.2
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- boost/1.63.0
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- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.69.0
- boost/1.73.0
- boost/1.74.0
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- breseq/0.36.0
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- cmake/3.20.3
- cmake/3.25.0
- cmake/3.26.3
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- cudnn/
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- apr/1.7.0
- armadillo/12.4.0
- arpack-ng/3.9.0
- atk/2.22.0
- autoconf-archive/2023.02.20
- autoconf/2.71
- automake/1.16.5
- bamtools/2.5.2
- bash-completion/2.7
- bash/5.2
- bbmap/39.05
- bc/1.07.1
- bcftools/1.16
- bdftopcf/1.1
- bdw-gc/8.2.4
- beagle/5.1
- berkeley-db/18.1.40
- bigreqsproto/1.1.2
- binutils/2.41
- bison/3.8.2
- boost/1.83.0
- bowtie/1.3.1
- bowtie2/2.5.1
- brotli/1.0.9
- bzip2/1.0.8
- cairo/1.17.2
- cairo/1.17.4
- capnproto/0.10.2
- cgal/5.5.2
- check/0.15.2
- cmake/3.26.3
- colm/0.12.0
- compositeproto/0.4.2
- coreutils/9.3
- cpp-argparse/2.9
- cscope/15.9
- cuda/11.3.1
- cuda/11.7.0
- cuda/12.0.1
- cuda/12.1.1
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- curl/8.1.2
- damageproto/1.2.1
- dbus/1.13.6
- diffutils/3.9
- dmxproto/2.3.1
- dos2unix/7.4.4
- dri2proto/2.8
- dri3proto/1.0
- eccodes/2.31.0
- ed/1.4
- eigen/3.4.0
- elfutils/0.189
- evieext/1.1.1
- expat/2.5.0
- fftw/3.3.10
- findutils/4.9.0
- fixesproto/5.0
- flac/1.4.2
- flex/2.6.4
- fltk/1.3.7
- font-util/1.4.0
- fontcacheproto/0.1.3
- fontconfig/2.14.2
- fontsproto/2.1.3
- fonttosfnt/1.2.2
- freetype/2.10.2
- freetype/2.11.1
- fribidi/1.0.12
- gatk/
- gawk/5.2.2
- gdal/3.5.3
- gdbm/1.23
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.4
- gdrcopy/2.3
- geos/3.12.0
- gettext/0.21.1
- gflags/2.2.2
- giflib/5.1.4
- git/2.41.0
- glew/2.2.0
- glfw/3.3.8
- glib/2.76.4
- glm/
- glog/0.6.0
- glpk/5.0
- glproto/1.4.17
- gmake/4.4.1
- gmp/6.2.1
- gnuconfig/2022-09-17
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20171003
- gobject-introspection/1.56.1
- googletest/1.12.1
- gperf/3.1
- gperftools/2.13
- gsl/2.7.1
- gtkplus/2.24.32
- gzip/1.11
- harfbuzz/2.9.1
- hdf/4.2.15
- hdf5/1.10.9
- hdf5/1.14.2
- help2man/1.49.3
- htslib/1.16
- hwloc/2.9.1
- hypre/2.29.0
- icu4c/67.1
- id3lib/3.8.3
- ilmbase/2.3.0
- infernal/1.1.4
- inputproto/2.3.2
- intltool/0.51.0
- isl/0.25
- jansson/2.14
- jasper/3.0.3
- jdk/8u141-b15
- jemalloc/4.5.0
- jemalloc/5.3.0
- json-c/0.13.1
- jsoncpp/1.9.5
- kbproto/1.0.7
- kim-api/2.2.1
- lcms/2.13.1
- libarchive/3.7.1
- libatomic-ops/7.8.0
- libbsd/0.11.7
- libdeflate/1.10
- libelf/0.8.13
- libevent/2.1.12
- libffi/3.4.4
- libfontenc/1.1.7
- libfs/1.0.9
- libgd/2.2.4
- libgd/2.3.3
- libgeotiff/1.7.1
- libice/1.0.9
- libiconv/1.17
- libidn2/2.3.4
- libjpeg-turbo/3.0.0
- libjpeg/9e
- libmd/1.0.4
- libnl/3.3.0
- libogg/1.3.5
- libpciaccess/0.17
- libpng/1.6.39
- libpthread-stubs/0.4
- libsigsegv/2.14
- libsm/1.2.3
- libszip/2.1.1
- libtheora/1.1.1
- libtiff/4.5.1
- libtool/2.4.7
- libunistring/1.1
- libunwind/1.6.2
- libuuid/1.0.3
- libx11/1.7.5
- libxau/1.0.8
- libxaw/1.0.14
- libxcb/1.14
- libxcomposite/0.4.6
- libxcrypt/4.4.35
- libxcursor/1.2.1
- libxdamage/1.1.5
- libxdmcp/1.1.4
- libxevie/1.0.3
- libxext/1.3.4
- libxfixes/5.0.3
- libxfont/1.5.4
- libxft/2.3.8
- libxi/1.7.7
- libxinerama/1.1.4
- libxkbcommon/0.8.2
- libxkbfile/1.0.9
- libxml2/2.10.3
- libxmu/1.1.4
- libxp/1.0.3
- libxpm/3.5.13
- libxpresent/1.0.0
- libxrandr/1.5.3
- libxrender/0.9.10
- libxres/1.0.7
- libxshmfence/1.3
- libxt/1.2.1
- libxtrap/1.0.1
- libxtst/1.2.2
- libxv/1.0.11
- libxvmc/1.0.12
- libxxf86dga/1.1.4
- libxxf86misc/1.0.4
- libxxf86vm/1.1.4
- ltrace/0.7.3
- lua-luaposix/36.1
- lua/5.4.4
- lz4/1.9.4
- lzip/1.23
- lziprecover/1.23
- lzlib/1.13
- lzma/4.32.7
- lzo/2.10
- m4/1.4.19
- maven/3.6.3
- mawk/1.3.4
- mesa-glu/9.0.2
- mesa/18.3.6
- meson/1.2.1
- metis/5.1.0
- mkfontdir/1.0.7
- mkfontscale/1.2.2
- mmseqs2/14-7e284
- mpfr/4.2.0
- nasm/2.15.05
- nccl/2.18.3-1
- ncurses/6.4
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1
- netcdf-fortran/4.6.1
- netcdf/4.9.2
- netlib-lapack/3.9.1
- netlib-xblas/1.0.248
- nettle/3.4.1
- nextflow/23.10.0
- ninja/1.11.1
- nlohmann-json/3.11.2
- numactl/2.0.14
- ocaml/4.13.1
- ocamlbuild/0.14.0
- openblas/0.3.20
- opencascade/7.5.2
- opencascade/7.7.1
- openjdk/21
- openjpeg/2.5.0
- openmpi/4.1.4
- pandoc/
- pango/1.42.4
- papi/7.0.1
- parallel/20220522
- patch/2.7.6
- patchelf/0.18.0
- pbzip2/1.1.13
- pcre/8.45
- pcre2/10.42
- perl/5.38.0
- picard/3.1.1
- pixman/0.42.2
- pkg-config/0.29.2
- pkgconf/1.9.5
- plzip/1.10
- presentproto/1.1
- printproto/1.0.5
- prodigal/2.6.3
- proj/8.2.1
- python/3.8.18
- python/3.9.1
- python/3.11.6
- python_gpu/3.11.6
- qhull/2020.2
- r/4.3.2
- randrproto/1.5.0
- rapidjson/1.1.0
- readline/8.2
- recordproto/1.14.2
- renderproto/0.11.1
- resourceproto/1.2.0
- rocm-cmake/5.7.1
- rocm-core/5.7.1
- rocm-smi-lib/5.7.1
- samtools/1.16.1
- scotch/6.1.3
- scrnsaverproto/1.2.2
- setxkbmap/1.3.3
- shared-mime-info/1.10
- sickle/1.33
- sparsehash/2.0.4
- sqlite/3.42.0
- stacks/2.65
- suite-sparse/5.13.0
- superlu/5.3.0
- swig/4.1.1
- tar/1.34
- tcl/8.6.12
- texinfo/7.0.3
- tk/8.6.12
- tmux/3.3a
- trapproto/3.4.3
- triangle/1.6
- trnascan-se/2.0.11
- ucx/1.14.1
- udunits2/2.2.28
- unzip/6.0
- util-linux/2.39.1
- util-macros/1.19.3
- valgrind/3.20.0
- videoproto/2.3.3
- voropp/0.4.6
- xauth/1.1.2
- xbitmaps/1.1.1
- xcb-proto/1.15.2
- xcb-util-cursor/0.1.4
- xcb-util-errors/1.0.1
- xcb-util-image/0.4.1
- xcb-util-keysyms/0.4.1
- xcb-util-renderutil/0.3.10
- xcb-util-wm/0.4.2
- xcb-util/0.4.1
- xextproto/7.3.0
- xf86bigfontproto/1.2.0
- xf86dgaproto/2.1
- xf86driproto/2.1.1
- xf86miscproto/0.9.3
- xf86rushproto/1.1.2
- xf86vidmodeproto/2.3.1
- xhost/1.0.9
- xineramaproto/1.2.1
- xinput/1.6.3
- xkbcomp/1.4.4
- xkbdata/1.0.1
- xproto/7.0.31
- xrandr/1.5.1
- xtb/6.6.1
- xtrans/1.4.0
- xz/5.4.1
- yasm/1.3.0
- zlib/1.3
- zopfli/1.0.3
- zstd/1.5.5
Intel 18.0.1
Please note that the Intel 18.0.1 toolchain and the available packages for this toolchain were compiled with Intel CPU specific optimization flags. Because of this, these packages cannot be used on Euler compute nodes with AMD CPUs (Euler VI and the coming Euler VII). If you would like to use compute nodes with AMD CPUs, then please use the new Intel 19.1.0 toolchain, which is compatible with AMD CPUs.
- abaqus/2016
- abaqus/2018
- abaqus/2019
- abaqus/2020
- abaqus/2021
- abseil-cpp/20190808
- ack/2.22
- alglib/3.11.0
- alsa-lib/
- angsd/0.925
- ann/1.1.2
- ant/1.9.9
- antlr/2.7.7
- apr-util/1.5.4
- apr-util/1.6.0
- apr/1.5.2
- apr/1.6.2
- aragorn/1.2.38
- arb/2.17.0
- argtable/2-13
- aspell/
- astral/4.10.7
- astyle/3.0.1
- atk/2.20.0
- atk/2.21.90
- atompaw/
- atop/2.2-3
- autoconf/2.69
- automake/1.15
- automake/1.15.1
- automake/1.16.2
- bam-readcount/0.8.0
- bamtools/2.5.1
- bamutil/1.0.13
- bash-completion/2.7
- bash/4.4
- bash/4.4.12
- bbmap/37.36
- bc/1.07
- bcftools/1.6
- bdw-gc/7.4.4
- bdw-gc/7.6.0
- beagle/3.3.2
- beagle/4.1
- beagle/5.1
- beast1/1.8.4
- beast2/2.4.6
- beast2/2.5.2
- bedops/2.4.36
- bedtools2/2.26.0
- bedtools2/2.27.1
- bedtools2/2.29.2
- berkeley-db/5.3.28
- berkeley-db/6.2.32
- binutils/2.28
- binutils/2.29.1
- bismark/0.19.0
- bison/3.0.4
- bitmap/1.0.8
- blat/35
- blat/36
- blaze/3.1
- blaze/3.2
- bliss/0.73
- blitz/1.0.1
- boost/1.62.0
- boost/1.63.0
- boost/1.64.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.69.0
- boost/1.73.0
- bowtie2/
- bowtie2/
- bpp-core/2.2.0
- bpp-phyl/2.2.0
- bpp-seq/2.2.0
- bpp-suite/2.2.0
- breseq/0.30.1
- breseq/0.34.1
- bwa/0.7.12
- bwa/0.7.15
- bwa/0.7.17
- bzip2/1.0.6
- bzip2/1.0.8
- c-blosc/1.12.1
- cairo/1.14.8
- cairo/1.14.10
- cairo/1.14.12
- cap3/2015-02-11
- cares/1.13.0
- cdbfasta/2017-03-16
- cddlib/0.94h
- cdhit/4.6.8
- cereal/1.2.2
- cgal/4.11
- clhep/
- cloc/1.74
- clustalo/1.2.4
- clustalw/2.1
- cmake/
- cmake/3.4.3
- cmake/3.5.2
- cmake/3.8.0
- cmake/3.9.4
- cmake/3.12.0
- cmake/3.12.1
- cmake/3.12.4
- cmake/3.14.4
- cmake/3.15.3
- cmake/3.16.5
- cmocka/1.1.1
- colm/0.12.0
- compositeproto/0.4.2
- coreutils/8.26
- cppad/20170000.8
- cppcheck/1.81
- cppunit/1.13.2
- cscope/15.8b
- cub/1.7.1
- cube/4.3.5
- cuda/8.0.61
- cuda/9.0.176
- cuda/9.1.85
- cuda/9.2.88
- cuda/10.0.130
- cuda/10.1.243
- cuda/11.0.3
- cuda/11.1.1
- cuda/11.2.2
- cudnn/5.1
- cudnn/6.0
- cudnn/7.0
- cudnn/7.1.4
- cudnn/7.2
- cudnn/7.3
- cudnn/7.4
- cudnn/7.5
- cudnn/7.6.4
- cudnn/8.0.5
- cudnn/
- cufflinks/2.2.1
- curl/7.53.1
- curl/7.61.1
- cvs/1.12.13
- czmq/4.0.2
- damageproto/1.2.1
- dante/1.4.2
- datamash/1.1.0
- dbus/1.11.2
- dbus/1.12.10
- diamond/0.9.14
- diamond/0.9.22
- diamond/0.9.24
- diamond/0.9.28
- dmlc-core/20170508
- dmxproto/2.3.1
- dos2unix/7.3.4
- double-conversion/2.0.1
- dri2proto/2.8
- dri3proto/1.0
- eccodes/2.21.0
- ed/1.4
- eigen/3.3.4
- emacs/26.1
- emboss/6.6.0
- exonerate/2.4.0
- expat/2.2.0
- expat/2.2.2
- exuberant-ctags/5.8
- farmhash/92e897
- fastqc/0.11.4
- fastqc/0.11.5
- fastqc/0.11.9
- ffmpeg/3.2.4
- fftw/3.3.5
- fftw/3.3.9
- findutils/4.6.0
- fixesproto/5.0
- flex/2.6.1
- flex/2.6.3
- flex/2.6.4
- flint/2.5.2
- fltk/1.3.3
- font-util/1.3.1
- fontcacheproto/0.1.3
- fontconfig/2.11.1
- fontconfig/2.12.3
- fontsproto/2.1.3
- fonttosfnt/1.0.4
- freetype/2.7
- freetype/2.7.1
- freexl/1.0.5
- gatk/
- gatk/
- gatk/
- gawk/4.1.4
- gdal/3.1.2
- gdbm/1.13
- gdbm/1.14.1
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.2
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.3
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.4
- gdk-pixbuf/2.31.6
- gemmlowp/a6f29d9ac
- geos/3.6.2
- geos/3.8.1
- gettext/
- gflags/2.1.2
- ghostscript-fonts/8.11
- ghostscript/9.21
- giflib/5.1.4
- git/2.12.1
- git/2.15.1
- glew/2.0.0
- glew/2.1.0
- glib/2.49.7
- glib/2.50.3
- glib/2.53.1
- glib/2.56.0
- glib/2.56.1
- glm/
- global/6.5
- glog/0.3.4
- glog/0.3.5
- glpk/4.55
- glpk/4.61
- glproto/1.4.17
- gmake/4.0
- gmake/4.2.1
- gmp/6.1.2
- gnat/2016
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20161024
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20171003
- gobject-introspection/1.49.1
- gobject-introspection/1.49.2
- gobject-introspection/1.50.0
- googletest/1.8.1
- gperf/3.0.4
- gperftools/2.4
- groff/1.22.3
- gsl/1.16
- gsl/2.3
- gsl/2.4
- gsl/2.6
- gtkplus/2.24.32
- gts/121130
- guile/2.0.14
- harfbuzz/1.4.5
- harfbuzz/1.4.6
- harfbuzz/1.4.7
- harfbuzz/1.4.8
- harminv/1.4
- hdf/4.2.12
- hdf/4.2.13
- hdf5/1.10.1
- help2man/1.47.4
- highfive/1.5
- highwayhash/dfcb97
- hisat2/2.1.0
- htop/2.0.2
- htslib/1.2
- htslib/1.3.1
- htslib/1.6
- htslib/1.7
- htslib/1.10.2
- hwloc/1.11.6
- hwloc/1.11.8
- hwloc/1.11.9
- hwloc/1.11.10
- hwloc/1.11.12
- hwloc/2.0.1
- hwloc/2.2.0
- hypre/2.13.0
- icu4c/58.2
- icu4c/60.1
- idba/1.1.3
- igv/2.8.2
- image-magick/7.0.5-9
- imake/1.0.7
- imod/4.11.6
- inputproto/2.3.2
- intel-tbb/2018.2
- intltool/0.51.0
- isl/0.14
- isl/0.15
- isl/0.18
- isl/0.19
- jags/4.3.0
- jansson/2.9
- jasper/1.900.1
- jdk/8u141-b15
- jemalloc/4.5.0
- jmol/14.8.0
- jq/1.5
- json-c/0.13.1
- jsoncpp/1.7.3
- judy/1.0.5
- kbproto/1.0.7
- kim-api/2.2.1
- krb5/1.16.1
- lcms/2.8
- leveldb/1.20
- lftp/4.8.1
- libaec/1.0.2
- libaio/0.3.110
- libarchive/3.2.1
- libarchive/3.3.2
- libassuan/2.4.5
- libatomic-ops/7.4.4
- libbsd/0.8.6
- libcheck/0.12.0
- libctl/3.2.2
- libdrm/2.4.70
- libdrm/2.4.81
- libedit/3.1-20170329
- libelf/0.8.13
- libevent/2.0.19
- libevent/2.0.21
- libfabric/1.8.0
- libffi/3.2.1
- libfontenc/1.1.3
- libfs/1.0.7
- libgcrypt/1.6.2
- libgcrypt/1.8.1
- libgd/2.2.4
- libgeotiff/1.5.1
- libgme/0.6.2
- libgpg-error/1.21
- libgpg-error/1.27
- libgtextutils/0.7
- libice/1.0.9
- libiconv/1.15
- libidn2/2.0.5
- libidn2/2.1.1
- libint/2.2.0
- libjpeg-turbo/1.5.0
- libjpeg-turbo/1.5.3
- libjpeg/9b
- libjpeg/9c
- libmng/2.0.3
- libnl/3.3.0
- libogg/1.3.2
- libopenal/1.17.2
- libopenal/1.18.2
- libpcap/1.8.1
- libpciaccess/0.13.4
- libpciaccess/0.13.5
- libpipeline/1.4.2
- libpng/1.6.27
- libpng/1.6.34
- libpthread-stubs/0.3
- libpthread-stubs/0.4
- librdf/1.0.17
- libsigsegv/2.11
- libsm/1.2.2
- libsodium/1.0.15
- libspatialindex/1.8.5
- libsvm/322
- libszip/2.1.1
- libtiff/3.9.7
- libtiff/4.0.6
- libtiff/4.0.8
- libtiff/4.0.10
- libtool/2.4.6
- libunistring/0.9.7
- libunwind/1.1
- libuuid/1.0.3
- libvorbis/1.3.5
- libx11/1.6.3
- libx11/1.6.5
- libxau/1.0.8
- libxaw/1.0.13
- libxc/2.2.2
- libxc/3.0.0
- libxcb/1.12
- libxcb/1.13
- libxcomposite/0.4.4
- libxcursor/1.1.14
- libxdamage/1.1.4
- libxdmcp/1.1.2
- libxext/1.3.3
- libxfixes/5.0.2
- libxfont/1.5.2
- libxft/2.3.2
- libxi/1.7.6
- libxinerama/1.1.3
- libxkbcommon/0.8.0
- libxkbfile/1.0.9
- libxml2/2.9.4
- libxmu/1.1.2
- libxp/1.0.3
- libxpm/3.5.10
- libxpm/3.5.12
- libxrender/0.9.10
- libxres/1.0.7
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- libxslt/1.1.30
- libxsmm/1.13
- libxt/1.1.5
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- libxvmc/1.0.9
- libzmq/4.3.2
- lmdb/0.9.16
- lmdb/0.9.21
- lrslib/6.2
- lua-jit/2.0.4
- lua-luafilesystem/1_6_3
- lua-luaposix/33.4.0
- lua/5.3.2
- lua/5.3.4
- lz4/1.7.5
- lz4/
- lzip/1.19
- lziprecover/1.19
- lzlib/1.9
- lzma/4.32.7
- lzo/2.09
- m4/1.4.18
- mafft/7.221
- magma/2.5.1
- man-db/
- maven/3.3.9
- maven/3.5.0
- mawk/1.3.4
- mesa-glu/9.0.0
- mesa/17.2.3
- mesa/18.3.6
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- motioncor2/1.3.0
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- mpfr/4.0.1
- msgpack-c/3.0.1
- mshadow/20170721
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- muscle/3.8.31
- muscle/3.8.1551
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- nasm/2.13.03
- ncbi-toolkit/22_0_0
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- nccl/2.7.8-1
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- netcdf/
- netcdf/4.6.0
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- nettle/3.3
- ninja/1.8.2
- ninja/1.9.0
- nnvm/20170418
- numactl/2.0.11
- numactl/2.0.12
- oce/0.18.2
- oce/0.18.3
- oniguruma/6.1.3
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- openblas/0.3.7
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- openjdk/14.0.2
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- openmpi/3.0.1
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- pango/1.40.4
- pango/1.41.0
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- patch/2.7.6
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- pcre/8.41
- pcre2/10.20
- pcre2/10.31
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- postgresql/11.0
- postgresql/11.4
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- proj/7.2.1
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- protobuf/3.2.0
- protobuf/3.3.0
- protobuf/
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- python/3.6.4
- qhull/2015.2
- qrupdate/1.1.2
- qt/5.10.0
- r/3.4.3
- r/3.5.1
- r/4.0.2
- ragel/6.10
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- rasqal/0.9.33
- readline/7.0
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- renderproto/0.11.1
- resourceproto/1.2.0
- ruby/2.2.0
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- samtools/1.6
- samtools/1.10
- scala/2.12.1
- scons/2.5.0
- scons/3.0.1
- scotch/6.0.3
- scotch/6.0.4
- scotch/6.0.6
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- sqlite/3.18.0
- sqlite/3.22.0
- sqlite/3.30.0
- sra-toolkit/2.8.1
- sra-toolkit/2.8.2-1
- sra-toolkit/2.9.2
- sra-toolkit/2.10.5
- star/2.5.3a
- star/2.7.2d
- sublime-text/2.0.2
- subread/2.0.1
- suite-sparse/5.1.0
- superlu/5.2.1
- swig/2.0.12
- swig/3.0.10
- swig/3.0.11
- swig/3.0.12
- sz/
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- tcl/8.6.8
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- texlive/live
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- tk/8.6.8
- tmux/2.4
- tmux/2.6
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- trimmomatic/0.36
- udunits2/2.2.24
- unison/2.48.4
- units/2.13
- unixodbc/2.3.4
- unzip/6.0
- usearch/11.0.667
- util-linux/2.29.1
- util-linux/2.29.2
- util-macros/1.19.1
- uuid/1.6.2
- vcftools/0.1.14
- velvet/1.2.10
- videoproto/2.3.3
- vim/8.0.0503
- vim/8.0.1376
- vim/8.1.1746
- vim/8.2.1201
- vmatch/2.3.0
- voropp/0.4.6
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- wget/1.19.1
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- wxwidgets/3.1.0
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- xcb-util/0.4.0
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- xproto/7.0.31
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- yasm/1.3.0
- zeromq/4.2.2
- zip/3.0
- zlib/1.2.9
- zlib/1.2.11
- zsh/5.1.1
- zsh/5.4.2
- zstd/1.3.0
Intel 19.1.0
This Intel toolchain is compatible with AMD CPUs (Euler VI, VII). Please use it if you intend to run codes compiled with Intel on Euler VI or VII nodes.
- abaqus/2016
- abaqus/2018
- abaqus/2019
- abaqus/2020
- abaqus/2021
- abaqus/2023
- ack/2.22
- admixtools/7.0.2
- alsa-lib/
- angsd/0.940
- ant/1.9.9
- apr-util/1.6.0
- apr-util/1.6.1
- apr/1.6.2
- apr/1.7.0
- assembly-stats/1.0.1
- astyle/3.0.1
- atk/2.22.0
- autoconf/2.69
- autoconf/2.71
- automake/1.15
- automake/1.15.1
- automake/1.16.2
- automake/1.16.3
- bamtools/2.5.1
- bamutil/1.0.13
- bash/4.4
- bash/4.4.12
- bash/5.0
- bbmap/37.36
- bbmap/39.05
- bc/1.07
- bcftools/1.12
- bcftools/1.15.1
- bcftools/1.16
- bdw-gc/7.6.0
- bdw-gc/8.0.0
- beagle/4.1
- beagle/5.1
- beagle/5.4
- beast1/1.8.4
- beast2/2.4.6
- beast2/2.5.2
- bedtools2/2.30.0
- berkeley-db/18.1.40
- binutils/2.28
- binutils/2.29.1
- binutils/2.35.2
- binutils/2.36.1
- binutils/2.37
- bison/3.0.4
- bison/3.4.2
- blat/35
- blat/36
- bolt-lmm/2.4.1
- boost/1.74.0
- bowtie2/2.4.4
- bpp-core/2.2.0
- bpp-phyl/2.2.0
- bpp-seq/2.2.0
- bpp-suite/2.2.0
- brotli/1.0.9
- bzip2/1.0.6
- bzip2/1.0.8
- c-blosc/1.12.1
- cairo/1.17.2
- cairo/1.17.4
- cereal/1.3.2
- cfitsio/4.0.0
- cgal/5.4.1
- cmake/
- cmake/3.4.3
- cmake/3.5.2
- cmake/3.8.0
- cmake/3.12.0
- cmake/3.12.1
- cmake/3.12.4
- cmake/3.14.4
- cmake/3.15.3
- cmake/3.16.5
- cmake/3.19.8
- cmake/3.20.3
- cmake/3.25.0
- cmocka/1.1.1
- cnpy/master
- compositeproto/0.4.2
- coreutils/8.31
- cpp-argparse/2.9
- cppad/20170000.8
- cppcheck/1.81
- cppunit/1.13.2
- cscope/15.8b
- cscope/15.9
- cuda/10.2.89
- cuda/11.0.3
- cuda/11.1.1
- cuda/11.2.2
- cuda/11.3.1
- cuda/11.4.2
- cuda/11.5.0
- cuda/11.6.2
- cuda/11.7.0
- cuda/11.8.0
- cuda/12.1.1
- cudnn/8.0.5
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- cudnn/
- curl/7.53.1
- curl/7.59.0
- curl/7.61.1
- curl/7.72.0
- cvs/1.12.13
- czmq/4.0.2
- damageproto/1.2.1
- dbus/1.11.2
- dbus/1.12.10
- dmxproto/2.3.1
- dos2unix/7.3.4
- dri2proto/2.8
- dri3proto/1.0
- ed/1.4
- eigen/3.3.4
- eigen/3.3.7
- eigen/3.3.9
- expat/2.2.0
- expat/2.2.2
- expat/2.2.9
- exuberant-ctags/5.8
- farmhash/92e897
- fasta/36.3.8g
- fastme/
- fastqc/0.11.9
- fftw/3.3.5
- fftw/3.3.9
- fixesproto/5.0
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- flex/2.6.4
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- gatk/
- gatk/
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- gawk/5.1.0
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- gdbm/1.18.1
- gdbm/1.19
- gdrcopy/2.2
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- git/2.31.1
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- glib/2.68.3
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- glpk/4.61
- glpk/4.65
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- gmake/4.0
- gmake/4.2.1
- gmp/6.1.2
- gnat/2016
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20161024
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20170531
- go-bootstrap/1.4-bootstrap-20171003
- gobject-introspection/1.56.1
- googletest/1.8.1
- gperf/3.0.4
- gperftools/2.4
- gperftools/2.8.1
- gradle/7.2
- groff/1.22.3
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- hdf/4.2.13
- hdf/4.2.15
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hdf5/1.10.7
- hdf5/1.10.9
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- htslib/1.16
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- hwloc/2.7.0
- hwloc/2.7.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- icu4c/60.1
- icu4c/66.1
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- imake/1.0.7
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- intel-tbb/2020.3
- intltool/0.50.2
- isl/0.19
- isl/0.21
- jansson/2.9
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- jdk/8u141-b15
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- lcms/2.9
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- libatomic-ops/7.6.6
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- libgcrypt/1.9.1
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- libgeotiff/1.7.1
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- libgpg-error/1.37
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- libpng/1.6.34
- libpng/1.6.37
- libpthread-stubs/0.3
- libpthread-stubs/0.4
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- libsigsegv/2.12
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- libtiff/4.0.8
- libtiff/4.0.10
- libtiff/4.1.0
- libtiff/4.2.0
- libtiff/4.3.0
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- libuuid/1.0.3
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- libxrandr/1.5.3
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- libxrender/0.9.10
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- libxt/1.2.1
- libxv/1.0.11
- libxvmc/1.0.12
- libxxf86vm/1.1.4
- linasm/1.13
- lmdb/0.9.21
- lp-solve/
- lua-luafilesystem/1_6_3
- lua-luaposix/33.4.0
- lua/5.3.4
- lz4/1.7.5
- lz4/
- lz4/1.9.3
- lzip/1.19
- lziprecover/1.19
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- lzma/4.32.7
- lzo/2.09
- m4/1.4.17
- mafft/7.221
- mafft/7.490
- man-db/
- maven/3.5.0
- mawk/1.3.4
- mc/4.8.23
- mcl/14-137
- megahit/1.1.4
- mesa-glu/9.0.1
- mesa/18.3.6
- meson/0.58.0
- metis/5.1.0
- miniasm/2018-3-30
- minimap2/2.17
- mkfontdir/1.0.7
- mkfontscale/1.1.2
- mobcal-mpi/1.2
- mobcal-mpi/2.0.1
- mpc/1.2.1
- mpfr/3.1.5
- mpfr/4.0.1
- mpfr/4.1.0
- muparser/
- nanoflann/1.2.3
- nasm/2.13.03
- nasm/2.15.05
- ncdu/1.15.1
- ncurses/6.0
- ncurses/6.1
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-fortran/4.4.1
- netcdf-fortran/4.5.4
- netcdf/4.4.1
- netcdf/
- netcdf/4.6.0
- netcdf/4.9.0
- netlib-lapack/3.9.1
- netlib-xblas/1.0.248
- nettle/3.2
- nettle/3.3
- nettle/3.4.1
- nextflow/22.04.4
- nextflow/23.10.0
- ninja/1.10.2
- nlopt/2.7.0
- nspr/4.32
- numactl/2.0.14
- ocaml/4.06.0
- ocamlbuild/0.14.0
- oniguruma/6.1.3
- openbabel/2.4.1
- openblas/0.3.7
- openblas/0.3.15
- openblas/0.3.20
- openjdk/17.0.0_35
- openjdk/21
- openkim-models/2021-01-28
- openmpi/4.1.4
- papi/5.5.1
- parallel/20220522
- patch/2.7.5
- patch/2.7.6
- patchelf/0.9
- pbzip2/1.1.13
- pcre/8.40
- pcre/8.41
- pcre/8.43
- pcre/8.44
- perl-xml-parser/2.44
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- perl/5.32.0
- perl/5.34.0
- picard/2.25.7
- picard/2.27.5
- picard/3.1.1
- pixman/0.40.0
- pkg-config/0.29.2
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- pkgconf/1.7.3
- plzip/1.6
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- portaudio/190600_20161030
- postgresql/11.4
- postgresql/13.2
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- printproto/1.0.5
- proj/6.3.1
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- python/3.6.5
- python/3.6.6
- quantum_espresso/6.8
- randrproto/1.5.0
- range-v3/0.10.0
- rapidjson/1.1.0
- raptor/2.0.15
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- readline/8.1
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- samtools/1.16.1
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- scotch/6.0.7
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- sowing/1.1.23-p1
- sparsehash/2.0.3
- spectra/1.0.0
- spectra/1.0.1
- sqlite/3.30.0
- sqlite/3.35.3
- sqlite/3.35.5
- sra-toolkit/2.8.1
- sra-toolkit/2.8.2-1
- sra-toolkit/2.9.2
- sra-toolkit/2.10.5
- star/2.5.3a
- star/2.7.9a
- subread/2.0.1
- subread/2.0.3
- superlu/5.2.1
- superlu/5.3.0
- swig/2.0.12
- swig/3.0.12
- swig/4.0.2
- symengine/0.9.0
- sz/
- tabixpp/1.1.2
- tar/1.29
- tcl/8.6.6
- tcl/8.6.8
- tcl/8.6.10
- texinfo/6.5
- tk/8.6.8
- tk/8.6.10
- tmux/3.2a
- triangle/1.6
- trimgalore/0.6.6
- trimmomatic/0.35
- trimmomatic/0.36
- trimmomatic/0.38
- ucx/1.12.1
- udunits2/2.2.28
- units/2.13
- unixodbc/2.3.4
- unzip/6.0
- usearch/11.0.667
- utf8cpp/2.3.4
- util-linux/2.29.2
- util-linux/2.33.1
- util-macros/1.19.1
- uuid/1.6.2
- vasp/6.1.2
- vcftools/0.1.16
- videoproto/2.3.3
- voropp/0.4.6
- vsearch/2.14.1
- vt/0.5772
- wfa2-lib/2.3.2
- xauth/1.0.9
- xbitmaps/1.1.1
- xcb-proto/1.12
- xcb-proto/1.13
- xcb-util-cursor/0.1.3
- xcb-util-errors/1.0
- xcb-util-image/0.4.0
- xcb-util-keysyms/0.4.0
- xcb-util-renderutil/0.3.9
- xcb-util-wm/0.4.1
- xcb-util/0.4.0
- xextproto/7.3.0
- xf86vidmodeproto/2.3.1
- xhost/1.0.7
- xineramaproto/1.2.1
- xinput/1.6.3
- xkbcomp/1.3.1
- xkbdata/1.0.1
- xproto/7.0.29
- xproto/7.0.31
- xrandr/1.5.0
- xrandr/1.5.1
- xtrans/1.3.5
- xz/5.2.3
- yaml-cpp/0.7.0
- yasm/1.3.0
- zeromq/4.2.2
- zip/3.0
- zlib/1.2.9
- zlib/1.2.11
- zsh/5.8
- zstd/1.3.0
- zstd/1.5.2
OpenMPI 3.0.1
GCC 4.8.5
- ambertools/19
- armadillo/9.700.2
- arpack-ng/3.5.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.73.0
- dtcmp/1.1.0
- fftw/3.3.7
- fftw/3.3.9
- foam-extend/3.2
- foam-extend/4.0
- globalarrays/5.6.5
- gmsh/4.4.1
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hmmer/3.1b2
- hypre/2.12.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- hypre/2.14.0
- kahip/2.00
- lammps/20190807
- libcircle/0.2.1.-rc.1
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- matio/1.5.9
- mdtest/1.9.3
- molcas/19.11
- mumps/5.1.1
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.0
- netcdf-fortran/4.4.1
- netcdf/
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- openfoam-com/1806
- openfoam-com/1906
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.9.0
- paraview/5.0.1
- paraview/5.4.1
- parmetis/4.0.3
- parmgridgen/1.0
- petsc/3.8.4
- petsc/3.9.4
- petsc/3.10.5
- pfft/1.0.8-alpha
- pnfft/1.0.7-alpha
- qbox/1.68.0
- relion/3.0.7
- scalasca/2.3.1
- scorep/3.1
- scotch/6.0.4
- scotch/6.0.6
- slepc/3.9.2
- slepc/3.10.1
- superlu-dist/4.3
- superlu-dist/5.2.2
- superlu-dist/6.1.1
- trilinos/12.8.1
- trilinos/12.10.1
- trilinos/12.12.1
- trilinos/12.14.1
- visit/3.0.2
- vtk/8.1.2
- zoltan/3.83
GCC 6.3.0
- armadillo/9.700.2
- arpack-ng/3.5.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.73.0
- dtcmp/1.1.0
- fenics/2019.1.0_slepc
- fenics/2019.1.0
- fftw/3.3.7
- fftw/3.3.9
- globalarrays/5.6.5
- gmsh/4.4.1
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hmmer/3.1b2
- hypre/2.12.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- hypre/2.14.0
- kahip/2.00
- libcircle/0.2.1.-rc.1
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- matio/1.5.9
- mdtest/1.9.3
- mumps/5.1.1
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.0
- netcdf-fortran/4.4.1
- netcdf/
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.9.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- parmgridgen/1.0
- petsc/3.8.4
- petsc/3.9.4
- petsc/3.10.5
- pfft/1.0.8-alpha
- pnfft/1.0.7-alpha
- relion/3.0.7
- scalasca/2.3.1
- scorep/3.1
- scotch/6.0.4
- scotch/6.0.6
- slepc/3.9.2
- slepc/3.10.1
- superlu-dist/4.3
- superlu-dist/5.2.2
- superlu-dist/6.1.1
- trilinos/12.8.1
- trilinos/12.10.1
- trilinos/12.12.1
- trilinos/12.14.1
- vtk/8.1.2
- zoltan/3.83
GCC 8.2.0
- armadillo/9.700.2
- arpack-ng/3.5.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.73.0
- dtcmp/1.1.0
- fftw/3.3.7
- fftw/3.3.9
- foam-extend/4.0
- globalarrays/5.6.5
- gmsh/4.4.1
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hmmer/3.1b2
- hypre/2.12.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- hypre/2.14.0
- kahip/2.00
- libcircle/0.2.1.-rc.1
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- matio/1.5.9
- mdtest/1.9.3
- mumps/5.1.1
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.0
- netcdf/
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- openfoam-com/1806
- openfoam-com/1906
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.9.0
- paraview/5.4.1
- parmetis/4.0.3
- parmgridgen/1.0
- petsc/3.8.4
- petsc/3.9.4
- petsc/3.10.5
- pfft/1.0.8-alpha
- pnfft/1.0.7-alpha
- relion/3.0.7
- scalasca/2.3.1
- scotch/6.0.4
- scotch/6.0.6
- slepc/3.9.2
- slepc/3.10.1
- superlu-dist/4.3
- superlu-dist/5.2.2
- superlu-dist/6.1.1
- trilinos/12.8.1
- trilinos/12.10.1
- trilinos/12.12.1
- trilinos/12.14.1
- vtk/8.1.2
- zoltan/3.83
Intel 18.0.1
- armadillo/9.700.2
- arpack-ng/3.5.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.73.0
- dtcmp/1.1.0
- fftw/3.3.7
- fftw/3.3.9
- gmsh/4.4.1
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hmmer/3.1b2
- hypre/2.12.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- libcircle/0.2.1.-rc.1
- libvdwxc/0.4.0
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- matio/1.5.9
- mdtest/1.9.3
- mumps/5.1.1
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.0
- netcdf-fortran/4.4.1
- netcdf/
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.9.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- parmgridgen/1.0
- pfft/1.0.8-alpha
- pnfft/1.0.7-alpha
- relion/3.0.7
- scalasca/2.3.1
- scorep/3.1
- scotch/6.0.4
- scotch/6.0.6
- superlu-dist/4.3
- superlu-dist/5.2.2
- superlu-dist/6.1.1
OpenMPI 4.0.2
GCC 4.8.5
- ale/1.0
- armadillo/9.700.2
- arpack-ng/3.5.0
- arpack-ng/3.6.2
- bml/1.3.1
- boost/1.63.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.73.0
- dtcmp/1.1.0
- fdtd/2021R1
- fdtd/2021R1.4
- fdtd/2022R1.01
- fftw/3.3.7
- fftw/3.3.9
- gmsh/4.4.1
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hdf5/1.10.7
- hmmer/3.1b2
- hypre/2.12.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- hypre/2.14.0
- hypre/2.15.0
- hypre/2.20.0
- hypre/2.22.1
- itsx/1.1.3
- kahip/2.00
- libcircle/0.2.1.-rc.1
- libvdwxc/0.4.0
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- matio/1.5.9
- mdtest/1.9.3
- mumps/5.1.1
- mumps/5.1.2
- mumps/5.3.5
- namd/2.14
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.0
- netcdf-fortran/4.4.1
- netcdf/
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- netlib-scalapack/2.1.0
- p4est/2.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.9.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- petsc/3.10.4
- petsc/3.10.5
- petsc/3.12.5
- pfft/1.0.8-alpha
- plumed/2.3.3
- plumed/2.7.1
- plumed/2.8.0
- pnfft/1.0.7-alpha
- qmd-progress/1.1.0
- raxml/7.2.7
- raxml/8.2.12
- relion-gpu/3.1.2
- relion/3.1.2
- scotch/6.0.4
- scotch/6.0.6
- slepc/3.10.1
- slepc/3.12.2
- superlu-dist/5.2.2
- superlu-dist/6.1.0
- superlu-dist/6.1.1
- superlu-dist/6.2.0
- superlu-dist/7.2.0
- trilinos/12.14.1
- vtk/8.1.1
- vtk/8.1.2
- zoltan/3.83
GCC 6.3.0
- ale/1.0
- alphafold/2.1.1
- alphafold/2.1.2
- alphafold/2.2.0-r1
- alphafold/2.2.0
- alphafold/2.3.1
- armadillo/9.700.2
- arpack-ng/3.5.0
- arpack-ng/3.6.2
- bml/1.3.1
- boost/1.63.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.73.0
- cgns/4.3.0
- cp2k/8.2
- damask/2.0.3
- dealii/9.3.0
- dtcmp/1.1.0
- fftw/3.3.7
- fftw/3.3.9
- gmsh/4.4.1
- gmt/6.3.0
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hdf5/1.10.7
- hmmer/3.1b2
- hypre/2.12.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- hypre/2.14.0
- hypre/2.15.0
- hypre/2.20.0
- hypre/2.22.1
- itsx/1.1.3
- kahip/2.00
- lammps/29Oct20
- libcircle/0.2.1.-rc.1
- libvdwxc/0.4.0
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- matio/1.5.9
- mdtest/1.9.3
- mumps/5.1.1
- mumps/5.1.2
- mumps/5.3.5
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.0
- netcdf-fortran/4.4.1
- netcdf/
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- netlib-scalapack/2.1.0
- octopus/10.0
- p4est/2.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.9.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- petsc/3.10.4
- petsc/3.10.5
- petsc/3.12.4
- petsc/3.12.5
- petsc/3.15.5
- pfft/1.0.8-alpha
- plumed/2.3.3
- plumed/2.7.1
- plumed/2.8.0
- pnfft/1.0.7-alpha
- qmd-progress/1.1.0
- raxml/7.2.7
- raxml/8.2.12
- relion-gpu/3.1.2
- relion-gpu/4.0_beta
- relion-gpu/4.0_beta2
- relion/3.1.2
- relion/4.0_beta
- relion/4.0_beta2
- scotch/6.0.4
- scotch/6.0.6
- slepc/3.10.1
- slepc/3.12.1
- slepc/3.12.2
- slepc/3.15.2
- spfft/0.9.10
- superlu-dist/5.2.2
- superlu-dist/6.1.0
- superlu-dist/6.1.1
- superlu-dist/6.2.0
- superlu-dist/7.2.0
- trilinos/12.14.1
- trilinos/13.2.0
- vtk/8.1.1
- vtk/8.1.2
- zoltan/3.83
GCC 8.2.0
- ale/1.0
- armadillo/9.700.2
- arpack-ng/3.5.0
- arpack-ng/3.6.2
- bml/1.3.1
- boost/1.63.0
- boost/1.66.0
- boost/1.68.0
- boost/1.73.0
- cgns/4.3.0
- damask/3.0.0_alpha5
- dtcmp/1.1.0
- fftw/3.3.7
- fftw/3.3.9
- gmsh/4.4.1
- gromacs/2021.2
- gromacs/2021.4
- hdf5/1.10.1
- hdf5/1.10.7
- hmmer/3.1b2
- hypre/2.12.1
- hypre/2.13.0
- hypre/2.14.0
- hypre/2.15.0
- hypre/2.20.0
- hypre/2.22.1
- itsx/1.1.3
- kahip/2.00
- libcircle/0.2.1.-rc.1
- libvdwxc/0.4.0
- lwgrp/1.0.2
- matio/1.5.9
- matio/1.5.10
- mdtest/1.9.3
- mumps/5.1.1
- mumps/5.1.2
- mumps/5.3.5
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.0
- netcdf-fortran/4.4.1
- netcdf/
- netcdf/4.5.0
- netlib-scalapack/2.0.2
- netlib-scalapack/2.1.0
- p4est/2.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.9.0
- parmetis/4.0.3
- petsc/3.10.4
- petsc/3.10.5
- petsc/3.12.5
- petsc/3.13.6
- petsc/3.15.5
- pfft/1.0.8-alpha
- plumed/2.3.3
- plumed/2.7.1
- plumed/2.8.0
- pnfft/1.0.7-alpha
- qmd-progress/1.1.0
- raxml/7.2.7
- raxml/8.2.12
- relion-gpu/3.1.2
- relion-gpu/4.0_beta
- relion-gpu/4.0_beta2
- relion/3.1.2
- relion/4.0_beta
- relion/4.0_beta2
- scotch/6.0.4
- scotch/6.0.6
- slepc/3.10.1
- slepc/3.12.2
- slepc/3.15.2
- spfft/0.9.10
- superlu-dist/5.2.2
- superlu-dist/6.1.0
- superlu-dist/6.1.1
- superlu-dist/6.2.0
- superlu-dist/7.2.0
- trilinos/12.14.1
- trilinos/12.18.1
- trilinos/13.2.0
- vtk/8.1.1
- vtk/8.1.2
- zoltan/3.83
OpenMPI 4.1.4
GCC 4.8.5
- armadillo/10.5.0
- arpack-ng/3.8.0
- atlas/0.9.9
- boost/1.74.0
- cgns/4.3.0
- fdtd/2023R2.02
- fftw/3.3.10
- gmsh/4.4.1
- hdf5/1.10.9
- hmmer/3.3.2
- hmmer/3.4
- hypre/2.15.0
- hypre/2.20.0
- matio/1.5.9
- mumps/5.3.5
- nek5000/19.0
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1
- netcdf-fortran/4.5.4
- netcdf/4.9.0
- netlib-scalapack/2.1.0
- p4est/2.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.12.2
- parmetis/4.0.3
- scotch/6.1.3
- superlu-dist/7.2.0
GCC 6.3.0
- armadillo/10.5.0
- arpack-ng/3.8.0
- atlas/0.9.9
- boost/1.74.0
- cgns/4.3.0
- fftw/3.3.10
- gmsh/4.4.1
- hdf5/1.10.9
- hmmer/3.3.2
- hmmer/3.4
- hypre/2.15.0
- hypre/2.20.0
- matio/1.5.9
- mumps/5.3.5
- nek5000/19.0
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1
- netcdf-fortran/4.5.4
- netcdf/4.9.0
- netlib-scalapack/2.1.0
- p4est/2.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.12.2
- parmetis/4.0.3
- petsc/3.15.5
- raxml-ng/1.2.0
- relion/4.0.1
- scotch/6.1.3
- slepc/3.15.2
- superlu-dist/7.2.0
- wanniertools/2.6.0
GCC 8.2.0
- amrfinder/3.11.2
- armadillo/10.5.0
- arpack-ng/3.8.0
- atlas/0.9.9
- boost/1.74.0
- cgns/4.3.0
- dealii/9.4.0
- esmf/8.5.0
- fftw/3.3.10
- gmsh/4.4.1
- hdf5/1.10.9
- hmmer/3.3.2
- hmmer/3.4
- hypre/2.15.0
- hypre/2.20.0
- lightgbm/3.32
- matio/1.5.9
- mumps/5.3.5
- nek5000/19.0
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1
- netcdf-fortran/4.5.4
- netcdf/4.9.0
- netlib-scalapack/2.1.0
- nwchem/7.2.0
- openmd/2.6
- p4est/2.2
- parallel-netcdf/1.12.2
- parmetis/4.0.3
- petsc/3.15.5
- raxml-ng/1.2.0
- real-essi/22.07
- real-essi/23.07
- relion/4.0.1
- rosetta/3.13
- scotch/6.1.3
- slepc/3.15.2
- superlu-dist/7.2.0
- trilinos/13.2.0
- vtk/8.1.2
- zoltan/3.901
GCC 11.4.0
- armadillo/12.4.0
- arpack-ng/3.9.0
- boost/1.83.0
- cgns/4.4.0
- fftw/3.3.10
- gmsh/4.8.4
- gmsh/4.10.3
- hdf5/1.10.9
- hdf5/1.14.2
- hmmer/3.4
- hypre/2.20.0
- hypre/2.29.0
- mumps/5.3.5
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1
- netcdf-fortran/4.6.1
- netcdf/4.9.2
- netlib-scalapack/2.2.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.12.3
- parmetis/4.0.3
- petsc/3.15.5
- petsc/3.20.0
- raxml-ng/1.2.0
- relion-gpu/5.0_beta_b75b38c
- scotch/6.1.2
- slepc/3.15.2
- slepc/3.20.0
- superlu-dist/8.1.2
Intel 19.1.0
- armadillo/10.5.0
- arpack-ng/3.8.0
- atlas/0.9.9
- boost/1.74.0
- cgns/4.3.0
- fftw/3.3.10
- hdf5/1.8.22
- hdf5/1.10.9
- hmmer/3.3.2
- hypre/2.20.0
- matio/1.5.9
- mumps/5.3.5
- nek5000/19.0
- netcdf-cxx/4.2
- netcdf-cxx4/4.3.1
- netcdf-fortran/4.5.4
- netcdf/4.9.0
- netlib-scalapack/2.1.0
- parallel-netcdf/1.12.2
- parmetis/4.0.3
- scotch/6.1.3
- superlu-dist/7.2.0
MPICH 3.3.1
GCC 4.8.5
- boost/1.66.0
- fftw/3.3.7
- fftw/3.3.9
- hdf5/1.10.1
- netcdf-fortran/4.4.1
- netcdf/
- parallel-netcdf/1.8.0
- spyking_circus/0.8.4
- spyking_circus/0.9.0