From ScientificComputing
As an example for using Graphviz, we are drawing a flow chart.
[leonhard@euler09 ~]$ ls test.gv [leonhard@euler09 ~]$ cat test.gv digraph { label="Getting help with the Euler cluster" "Consult the wiki"[shape="box",style=rounded]; "Check the FAQ"[shape="box",style=rounded]; "Use search box"[shape="box",style=rounded]; "Look at application pages"[shape="box",style=rounded]; "Problem solved ?"[shape="box",style=rounded]; "Happy computing"[shape="box",style=rounded]; "Contact cluster support"[shape="box",style=rounded]; "Consult the wiki" -> "Check the FAQ"; "Consult the wiki" -> "Use search box"; "Consult the wiki" -> "Look at application pages"; "Check the FAQ" -> "Problem solved ?"; "Use search box" -> "Problem solved ?"; "Look at application pages" -> "Problem solved ?"; "Problem solved ?" -> "Happy computing"[label="yes"]; "Problem solved ?" -> "Contact cluster support"[label="no"]; } [leonhard@euler09 ~]$ module load gcc/4.8.2 python/2.7.6 graphviz/2.38 Autoloading openblas/0.2.13_seq [leonhard@euler09 ~]$ bsub -n 1 -W 0:05 -R "rusage[mem=50]" "dot -Tpng test.gv -o test.png" Generic job. Job <34267333> is submitted to queue <normal.4h>. [leonhard@euler09 ~]$ bjobs JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 34267333 leonhard PEND normal.4h euler09 * test.png Dec 21 08:16 [leonhard@euler09 ~]$ bjobs JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 34267333 leonhard RUN normal.4h euler09 e1021 * test.png Dec 21 08:16 [leonhard@euler09 ~]$ bjobs No unfinished job found [leonhard@euler09 ~]$ ls lsf.o34267333 test.gv test.png [leonhard@euler09 ~]$
You can find the resource usage summary of the job in the LSF log file.