Leonhard presentation 15.02.2017

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The IT Services of ETH will present the Leonhard cluster, a new platform for Big Data Analytics at ETH.

This event is aimed at professors and senior researchers of ETH who are interested in becoming shareholders of this new cluster. It is not a user meeting.

Time and place

Wednesday 15 February, 09:15–10:45, ETH-Zentrum, Auditorium LEE E101, Leonhardstrasse 21, Zurich (map)

Preliminary agenda

  • Welcome and introduction by Rui Brandao, Director of IT Services (10')
  • Overview of the HPC strategy of IT Services (10')
  • Update on Euler III extension (10')
  • New Leonhard cluster for Big Data applications (10')
  • Deeper view into Leonhard Open / Leonhard Med (20')
  • Timeline and prices (10')
  • Q & A (20')
  • Optional: quick tour of the new server room where Leonhard is located (attendance limited to 10 people)


Due to space limitations, people interested in this presentation are kindly requested to register before the 1st of February 2017.

Proceed to the registration page


Leonhard: a new cluster for Big Data at ETH (PDF, 3 MB)