From ScientificComputing
As an example for a MATLAB job, we are calculating the determinant of a 3x3 Matrix.
[sfux@eu-login-01-ng ~]$ cat matrix_determinant.m A = [1 -2 4; -5 2 0; 1 0 3] d = det(A) [sfux@eu-login-01-ng ~]$ module load new matlab/9.1 [sfux@eu-login-01-ng ~]$ bsub -n 1 -W 1:00 -R "rusage[mem=512]" "matlab -nodisplay -nojvm -singleCompThread -r matrix_determinant" MATLAB job. Job <30576749> is submitted to queue <normal.4h>. [sfux@eu-login-01-ng ~]$ bjobs JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 30576749 sfux PEND normal.4h eu-login-01-ng *terminant Oct 21 13:32 [sfux@eu-login-01-ng ~]$ bjobs JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 30576749 sfux PEND normal.4h eu-login-01-ng *terminant Oct 21 13:32 [sfux@eu-login-01-ng ~]$ bjobs JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 30576749 sfux RUN normal.4h eu-login-01-ng e1245 *terminant Oct 21 13:32 [sfux@eu-login-01-ng ~]$ grep -A9 "A =" lsf.o30576749 A = 1 -2 4 -5 2 0 1 0 3 d = -32 [sfux@eu-login-01-ng ~]$
The output of the MATLAB calculation can be found in the LSF log file lsf.o30576749.