Modules and applications

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On the cluster, we provide many centrally installed software and for some software even multiple versions. To configure the environment for a particular software version, we use modules. Modules configure your current computing environment (PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, MANPATH, etc.) to make sure all required binaries and libraries are found.

We employ the following Modules packages on the cluster:

  • LMOD Modules

Modules commands

Here are the most frequently used module commands.

List all modules that match the given module name, e.g., list all available Python

$ module spider python

You can also use avail to see the one available with the current module loaded:

$ module avail python

List all currently loaded modules

$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
 1) gcc/12.2.0   2) stack/2024-06

Other commonly used module commands

module                    # get info about module sub-commands
module avail              # List all modules available on the cluster
module key keyword        # list all modules whose description contains keyword
module help name          # get information about module name
module show name          # show what module name does (without loading it)
module unload name        # unload module name
module purge              # unload all modules at once

You can also search through the full stack for a package with

module spider             # report all modules
module spider name        # report all versions of the module name
module --show_hidden spider name  # Show also the hidden modules

Please note that you first need to load a stack. The stack determines the GCC version of the packages that can be loaded.

  • stack/2024-04 -> GCC 8.5.0
  • stack/2024-06 -> GCC 12.2.0

The 2024-06 also contains packages for Intel OneAPI 2023.2.0

module load stack/2024-06 intel-oneapi-compilers/2023.2.0

All available modules are listed on our wiki.

Where are applications installed?

Centrally installed

Central applications are installed in /cluster/software

Applications that are needed by many users should be installed centrally, like compilers and libraries

  • Visible and accessible to all users via modules
  • Installed and maintained by cluster support
  • Commercial licenses provided by the IT shop of ETH or by research groups


Users can install additional applications in their home directory, but only if the quotas (space: 50GB, files/directories: 500'000) are not exceeded

  • Avoid anaconda installations as they often conflict with the files/directories quota. Alternatively, you can create a Python virtual environment.
  • For Python and R, packages can easily be installed locally, e.g., for Python
$ pip3 install --user packagename

The structure of LMOD Modules

LMOD Modules use a hierarchy of modules with three layers to avoid conflicts when multiple modules are loaded at the same time.

  • The core layer contains software which are independent of compilers and MPI libraries, e.g., commercials software which come with their own runtime libraries
$ module load comsol/5.6
  • The stack layer contains software which are dependent of compilers.
$ module load stack/2024-06 hdf5/1.14.3
  • The MPI layer contains software which are dependent of compilers and MPI libraries
$ module load stack/2024-06 openmpi/4.1.6 openblas/0.3.24

Lmod toolchains.png

Modules for GPUs

We have installed a Python module which is linked with CUDA and NCCL libraries and contains machine learning / deep learning packages such as scikit-Learn, TensorFlow and Pytorch. This module can be loaded with the following commands:

$ module load stack/2024-06 python_cuda/3.11.6

You can also find and load CUDA, cuDNN and NCCL libraries available on the cluster matching your needs.

 $ module load stack/2024-06
 $ module avail cuda
 -------- /cluster/software/stacks/2024-06/spack/share/spack/lmod/linux-ubuntu22.04-x86_64/gcc/12.2.0 ------
   cuda/11.8.0    cuda/12.1.1 (D)

Application lists


CentOS (deprecated):


Further reading

< Storage and data transfer


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