Neural network training with TensorFlow on GPU
From ScientificComputing
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Load modules
We will use the new software stack in this tutorial:
[jarunanp@eu-login-11 ~]$ env2lmod
Load the Python module which contains TensorFlow 2.0.0 package
[jarunanp@eu-login-11 ~]$ module load gcc/6.3.0 python_gpu/3.8.5 eth_proxy The following have been reloaded with a version change: 1) gcc/4.8.5 => gcc/6.3.0
[jarunanp@eu-login-11 ~]$ module list Currently Loaded Modules: 1) StdEnv 4) cuda/11.0.3 7) python_gpu/3.8.5 2) gcc/6.3.0 5) cudnn/8.0.5 8) eth_proxy 3) openblas/0.2.20 6) nccl/2.7.8-1
Check if we could import the TensorFlow package
[jarunanp@eu-login-11 ~]$ python -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)" 2.4.0
A neural network model
Create a working directory on $SCRATCH
[jarunanp@eu-login-11 ~]$ cd $SCRATCH [jarunanp@eu-login-11 jarunanp]$ mkdir tf_gpu [jarunanp@eu-login-11 jarunan]$ cd tf_gpu [jarunanp@eu-login-11 tf_gpu]$
Download the script containing a neural network model which is trained on MNIST dataset. This example is taken from TensorFlow tutorials.
[jarunanp@eu-login-11 tf_gpu]$ wget -O
Request an interactive session on a compute node
[jarunanp@eu-login-11 tf_gpu]$ sbatch -n 1 --gpus=1 --wrap='python'
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