From ScientificComputing
Please note that this application page is referring to the old CentOS software stack which is obsolete and does not work any more with the new Ubuntu setup. You can find an overview on the Ubuntu software stack on this wiki page.
STAR-CCM+ is a CFD software for solving problems involving flow (of fluids or solids), heat transfer and stress.How to submit a job
To submit a job on 96 cores in the queuing system, for set-up named casename.sim, use:sbatch --ntaks=128 --time=5-0 --job-name=JobName --wrap "/cluster/apps/starccm/17.06.008/17.06.008-R8/STAR-CCM+17.06.008-R8/star/bin/starccm+ \ -power -podkey value -batchsystem slurm -rsh ssh -batch-report -batch casename.sim
To build a mesh in batch mode (e.g. using 24 cores for set-up named casename.sim), use the following syntax:
sbatch --ntasks=24 --time=12:00:00 --wrap="/cluster/apps/starccm/17.06.008/17.06.008-R8/STAR-CCM+17.06.008-R8/star/bin/starccm+ \ -power -podkey value -batchssytem slurm -rsh ssh -batch mesh casename.simPlease make sure that you are using the -batchsystem slurm and -rsh ssh options.
License information
STAR-CCM+ is a commercial software. If you would like to use it on Brutus or Euler, you will have to provide your own Power On Demand (POD) license. The license server which will be used to check out features is
Setting your POD key
Your personal Power on Demand key will be provided by your cd-adapco account manager. You can supply the value when submitting your job using:
-podkey value <--- replace value with your POD key
alternatively, you can set the LM_PROJECT variable to point to your POD key
export LM_PROJECT=value <--- replace value with your POD keye.g. by including the following line in the .bashrc file in your home directory
For STAR-CCM+, there is the possibility to use a server/client setup for the visualization of the results.Links
- STAR-CCM+ web page:
- STAR-CCM+ tutorials: