From ScientificComputing
For new users
Linux tutorials
Cluster tutorials
- Getting started with ETH clusters
- Getting started with GPUs
- Compiling an application
- Slurm/LSF Submission Line Advisor
- Parallel computing
- Rendering without display
For advanced users
Debugging and profiling
Batch system
The following articles are currently being adapted from LSF to Slurm; please use with caution:
- Job chaining (dependency conditions)
- Job arrays
- Hybrid (MPI+OpenMP) jobs
- GNU Parallel
- Node allocation for parallel jobs
- Working in multiple shareholder groups
- Too much space is used by your output files
- Using the local scratch
- Best practices guide for Lustre file system
Reference data
For software maintainers
- Setting up a software stack for a research group
- Creating a local module directory
- Unpacking RPM packages in users space
For IT Support Groups (ISG)
- Setting up a custom ETH group for a cluster shareholder
- Exporting an NFS file system to Euler
- Cluster IP ranges
- Access to Euler for ETH guests
Software tutorials
Centrally installed applications
- Turbomole
- Comsol MATLAB LiveLink
- Comsol files in the home directory
- Using Gaussian on Euler
- Using MATLAB's Parallel Computing Toolkit