Usage statistics 2018

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General Statistics

Number of jobs

Cluster Number of processed jobs
Euler 35,063,918
Leonhard Open 1,461,562

Number of users*

Cluster Number of users
Euler 2,531
Leonhard Open 440

* Only users that submitted at least one job were counted.

Number of support requests*

Support channel Number of support requests
OTRS ticket system 2,361

* Contrary to previous years, tickets from the SIS top-level queue are no longer included.

Euler statistics

Distribution of jobs by size

Number of cores Number of jobs Percentage of total CPU time in 2018
1 31,278,081 14.25%
2-3 621,265 0.60%
4-7 1,877,730 4.82%
8-15 615,836 4.76%
16-31 480,371 18.12%
32-63 72,309 9.96%
64-127 54,350 8.89%
128-255 50,272 17.95%
256-511 7,042 6.26%
512-1,023 5,353 11.57%
>=1,024 1,309 2.83%
Total 35,063,918 100%

Distribution of jobs by CPU time used


Distribution of users by CPU time used


CPU hours used Number of users Percentage of all users
0-1 258 10.19%
1-10 144 5.69%
10-100 312 12.33%
100-1,000 405 16.00%
1,000-10,000 571 22.56%
10,000-100,000 509 20.11%
100,000-1,000,000 281 11.10%
1,000,000-10,000,000 51 2.02%

Leonhard Open statistics

Distribution of jobs by size

Number of cores Number of jobs Percentage of total CPU time in 2018
1 1,070,858 20.11%
2-3 98,553 8.79%
4-7 149,767 14.18%
8-15 69,958 15.84%
16-31 45,183 26.08%
32-63 26,483 13.79%
64-127 664 0.81%
128-255 88 0.35%
>=256 8 0.05%
Total 1461562 100%

Distribution of jobs by CPU time used


Distribution of users by CPU time used


CPU hours used Number of users Percentage of all users
0-1 63 14.32%
1-10 35 7.95%
10-100 70 15.91%
100-1,000 93 21.14%
1,000-10,000 95 21.59%
10,000-100,000 69 15.68%
>100,000 15 3.41%