User documentation

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Our wiki is the primary source of information for people that use the services of the ID SIS HPC group. You can find information about all of our HPC clusters (specifications, usage terms, etc.) and services (documentation, tutorials etc.).


The tutorials section contains on one hand very basic tutorials, which will help beginner users to work with our HPC clusters and on the other hand, there are also advanced tutorials for particular applications. Since we can not be experts for all software that is centrally installed, we would like to encourage users to help us with setting up new tutorials.


In the manuals section, we provide the documentation to the applications, which are centrally installed on our cluster. The documentations are organized in two categories, namely a public section that is available to everybody and a non-public section, which is restricted to people that have a valid ETH account. For certain software, the access to manuals needs to be restricted due to licensing terms.


In the FAQ section, we discuss a number of questions that come up repeatedly through our support channels. The FAQ section can also be used as addition to the getting started guide, which helps beginner users to setup their simulations and to use the batch system.


The official Service Level Agreement (SLA) for scientific compute clusters, including the current specifications and prices, is available on the IT service catalogue.